Web Resources

Web Resources

Frequently Asked Questions:

How do I apply for Financial Aid?
You begin with the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) application available online at http://fafsa.gov/.

Should I apply for aid?
Yes! Even if you think you may not qualify for any federal or state aid it is still worth completing the FAFSA. Many third party funding agencies will also ask you to complete the FAFSA.

instructor and studentWhat is the FSA ID (Federal Student Aid ID)?
It is a way to electronically sign a FAFSA on the web.  Will also be used to sign a Master Promissory Note (MPN) for student loans.  To create an FSA ID click here: FSA ID.

What is Central Lakes College (CLC) code for the FAFSA?
This code is 002339 for both the Brainerd and Staples campuses.

Where can I get help completing the FAFSA?
At studentaid.gov or on either CLC campus.

Do I have to use my parent’s information on the FAFSA?
The general rules state that until a student is 24 years of age, married, has a dependent child, an orphan or ward of the court or is working on a master’s or doctorate degree he or she is dependent and parent information is required.

How do I check on my FAFSA?
You may go online to http://fafsa.gov/ or call the DoED at 1(800)433-3243.

How do I know what financial aid I am eligible for?
Once you have a complete financial aid file at CLC an award notification will be viewable in your E-services. Processing of fall award notices begins early June.

How do I apply for a loan?
The award notification mentioned in the previous question will have information about how to apply for a student loan.  You will apply for award notification loans in your E-services.

What happens if I totally withdraw from CLC?
If you withdraw from school on or before the 60% point in the term federal regulations require you to repay a portion or all of your financial aid based on the number of days you have NOT attended in a semester.

What happens if there is a class I have not attended?
Federal regulations require that a student must show attendance in each class they received financial aid for. A student’s financial aid award will be recalculated for any class the student never attends.

How do I get any remaining financial aid after my tuition, fees and possibly books have been paid for?
Financial aid disbursement starts on the 12th class day of each semester. The disbursement of refunds comes from the Business Office with the use of BankMobile Disbursements. Dates of disbursement are in your E-services “Next Step” after awards are reviewed, also on the Important Dates page.

How do I check to see how much I have borrowed in student loans?
You can see this from your dashboard at  studentaid.gov , be sure to have your FSA ID from the DoED to verify your identity.  After you have logged in, if you are not on your dashboard, click MENU in the upper right and select “dashboard” from the drop down options.

Can I apply for alternative loans at Central Lakes College?
The Student Loans page has a section called Other Loan Options. You can find alternative or private loan options there.

Please note that current and former foster youth seeking additional financial and supportive services may be eligible for CLC’s Connecting to Success Program

Glossary of Terms at Glossary of Financial Aid Terms
Department of Education, Federal Student Aid

FAFSA on the Web at http://fafsa.gov/
Free Application for Federal Student Aid

FAFSA4caster at financial aid estimator
If you are a high school junior or younger this site can give you and your parents an idea of what aid you may be eligible for in the future.

Financial Aid Page at www.finaid.org
Resource of applying for aid, scholarship searching, aid estimating and a wide variety of aid assisting information.

MHESO-Minnesota Higher Education Services Office at www.ohe.state.mn.us
A resource that includes Minnesota college costs, up-to-date information about Minnesota higher education, and an interactive financial aid estimator.

An all-encompassing site in researching many aspects of where to go to college, how to apply, what will it cost or how do you pay for it.

Department of Education at www.ed.gov/index.jhtml
The Department of Education is a very extensive source of education information for students and parents.

Student Loan History
Information regarding your student loan history. Log in with your FSA ID.  If the site does not bring you to your dashboard right away, click on “menu” in the top right, and select “dashboard” from the drop down options.

Federal Loan Consolidation
Here is some help with managing your student loan debt. It allows you to combine multiple student loans together, thus having one loan payment and loan holder.

Defaulted Student Loans
As part of the Department of Education’s management of defaulted student loans, the Department’s Debt Collection Service has created this web site to aid in the repayment of a defaulted student loan.

JTPA, DRS and CEP at www.mnworkforcecenter.org/
Funding sources from the Minnesota Work Force Centers.

Department of Veteran Affairs at www.va.gov/
Information about veteran education benefits is located at this site.

My Military Education at www.mymilitaryeducation.org/
This site has seven-day-a-week access to customer service staff and a back of 150 frequently asked questions. It will also provide these students information and resources about higher education benefits and services, ensuring that all students have every opportunity to achieve their educational goals. This Web site includes information about all Minnesota higher education institutions including the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, the University of Minnesota and Minnesota private colleges and universities.

MN National Guard
There are several education benefits and financial incentives available through the Minnesota National Guard. Opportunities include college benefits, tuition assistance, scholarships, financial bonuses, and a variety of other programs. Be sure to check out all the other assistance programs available.

Selective Service Registration or Verification at www.sss.gov/
Have you registered for the draft? This website allows you to register or check to see if you have already.

College Board at www.collegeboard.com/
A site with a variety of information for college bound students.

Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (MNSCU) at www.minnstate.edu/
Many colleges in Minnesota are part of the MNSCU system. Surf through the site to connect to other institutions of higher learning in Minnesota.

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