Student Success

What is Student Right-To-Know?
Student Right-To-Know is a federal law that requires all colleges and universities to disclose certain information to students. Federal regulations specify how to calculate the graduation and transfer rates. The rates come from a study of Central Lakes College students who started at the college in fall semester and includes all first-time students who enrolled full-time that fall and were seeking to earn a degree, diploma or certificate at the college. The graduation rate is the percentage of these students who graduated from Central Lakes College within three years. The transfer-out rate is the percentage of these students who did not graduate from Central Lakes College, but instead transferred to another college or university within three years. The links below provide the information that a college must provide to students on graduation rates and transfer-out rates for full-time students seeking degrees at Central Lakes College. The date listed on each link is the term that the cohort of students in that study entered Central Lakes College.

Student Right to Know Fall 2015 (pdf)
Student Right to Know Fall 2016 (pdf)
Student Right to Know Fall 2017 (pdf)
Student Right to Know Fall 2018 (pdf)
Student Right to Know Fall 2019 (pdf)
Student Right to Know Fall 2020 (pdf)

Student Success by Program Award Type
Student success at CLC is a measured in multiple ways at CLC. Three of the most common metrics are graduation, transfer, and retention rates. Because CLC is a two-year liberal arts and career and technical college, a significant number of our liberal arts students transfer to 4-year universities prior to graduation. Dates listed by each metric correspond with the term that the students first entered Central Lakes College.

Fall 2020 Transfer Rates:

  • A, A.S, A.F.A. Degree students – 14%
  • S. Degree students – 6%
  • Diploma/Certificate students – 4%

Fall 2020 Graduation Rates:

  • A, A.S, A.FA. Degree students – 41%
  • S. Degree students – 52%
  • Diploma/Certificate students – 63%

Fall 2022 to Fall 2023 Retention Rates:

  • A, A.S, A.F.A. Degree students – 43%
  • S. Degree students – 35%
  • Diploma/Certificate students – 20%

Fall 2022 to Spring 2023 Retention Rates:

  • A, A.S, A.F.A. Degree students – 67%
  • S. Degree students – 76%
  • Diploma/Certificate students – 60%

Related Employment Rates
Central Lakes College measures our student graduates’ related employment rates about a year after their graduation by administering a graduate follow-up survey. While some graduates continue their education after graduating from CLC, the related employment rates look at our students that have entered the workforce and are working in a field related to their degree. The links below provide the information on our graduates’ related employment rates broken down by their award type.

Related Employment Rate 2017 (pdf)
Related Employment Rate 2018 (pdf)
Related Employment Rate 2019 (pdf)
Related Employment Rate 2020 (pdf)
Related Employment Rate 2021 (pdf)
Related Employment Rate 2022 (pdf)

State Licensure Exam Pass Rates
Central Lakes College measures the State Licensure Exam Pass Rate for our Criminal Justice and Nursing Programs. Those pass rates are listed below for each program.

Criminal Justice 3-year Pass Rate (2021-2023):

  • Peace Officer License Exam: 77.1%

Nursing 2023 Pass Rate for First-Time Testers:

  • NCLEX-RN: 89.66%
  • NCLEX-PN: 100%
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