Technology Reference Guide

Technology Reference Guide

Below you will find information on various technology topics and assistance on how to use each. Click to expand the information. 

The StarID is a username that replaces many login IDs with one ID, one password, everywhere.

To reset your StarID password:

**This password expires every 180 days.

Email is the official means of communication with students. Inside Office 365 students can download the Office Suite for FREE.

To Login to Student Email:

Your email will be your For example, the name John Smith, would be

**This email de-activates 365 days after your last day of enrollment**

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), is an added layer of protection.

To set up your MFA

  • After signing into your Office365 email, you’ll need to set up your MFA.
  • More information required – Click Next
  • Select an option – download the authenticator app or text/call by phone
  • Follow the prompts on the screen
  • To complete the process, click enable Multi-Factor Authentication

If you change your phone number or need help with this, contact us.   

D2L Brightspace is used in virtually all courses at Central Lakes College and is the platform used for online and hybrid courses

To Login to D2L:

E-Services allow the student to register for courses, modify course schedules, view academic records, financial aid status, account balances, and degree audit reports. Select here for more information. 

To Login to E-Services:

  • Log on to E-Services
  • Log in by typing your StarID and Password

All students are welcome to use our CLC computers during campus hours.

To login to CLC’s computers:

  • Log in by typing your StarID and Password

Each semester your printing account is set to $15. It costs 3¢ per black and white page or 12¢ per color page.  It’s automatically deducted from your printing account. 

Eduroam Wireless Network is a secure global wireless access service for educational and research community. We offer free Wi-Fi wireless network throughout our facilities. 

To connect to CLC’s Wi-Fi:

  • On your device, select the Eduroam from the list of available Wi-Fi networks
  • You will be prompted to sign onto our network using the following credentials:

Password: Your StarID password.

Not connecting, click here for more details to set up manually. 

Students are able to print from their personal device.

To set up printing from your device:

Star Alert notifies students via email, voice messages and/or text messages with pertinent information such as closing due to weather and any potential campus emergencies. You are automatically enroll with your student email. Additional emails and phone numbers can be added.

  • To login to Star Alert Opt-out system Visit the website
  • Click Sign Me Up, to register (Use your CLC email address to sign up)
  • Once registered, you will receive an email to your student email account. You will need to log into your student email to click on the link.
  • You will be asked a series of security questions.
    You will be asked for a reference number; this will be your StarID
  • It will look for your contact record and display the match, click Associate

Zoom is a cloud-based video conferencing service you can use to virtually meet with others.

To login Zoom:

Contact Information

Computer Commons Help Desk Hours:
Monday – Friday 7:30am – 4:30pm

Call or email us:
Phone: 218-855-8200

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