E-Services is where you will track the status of your financial aid file.
E-Services is located under “Student Resources/Quicklinks” at the top of the web page.
Log in with your Star ID and password, then click on “Financial Aid” at the left. Be sure you are accessing the correct semester or academic year.
You should be able to see “Completed Steps”, “Next Step” and “Remaining Steps” (if any). Be sure to review anything listed under “Next Step”.
A “View your Aid Application Status” link will provide direction regarding additional documentation/information needed for your file. The verification process requested by the Department of Education impacts a very small portion of CLC Financial Aid applicants. Needed documents/information will be in the “Aid Application Status” link.
Respond quickly to any request for forms, documentation and/or information. This will allow your financial aid file to be reviewed and/or verified sooner. Also, check this regularly, in case there are any changes to your status.
There are three ways to submit CLC forms:
Electronically: Using links in your “Aid Application Status” link. Open as pdf to get to live links. If the links aren’t live, you can copy and paste into browser address line.
By Paper: Request forms in person on either campus, to be mailed to you by calling 218-855-8000 or by emailing finaid@clcmn.edu
Use our SECURE document uploader: Financial Aid Document Uploader
When all the required documents are received the process of reviewing and/or verifying your file will begin.
Through this process it may be necessary for CLC Financial Aid Staff to request additional information, contact you with questions and/or make necessary corrections to your FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). Once all of this is done your file will be ready for your award(s) to be packaged, which creates an “Award Offer”. Offers will start to be available around the middle of June for the upcoming fall semester. An email will be sent to you alerting you to view your “Award Offer” in E-Services.