Transfer Students

Transfer Students

Here is some helpful information to make sure your financial aid package is ready at Central Lakes College (CLC) when you are! When you transfer from one school to another in the middle of the year inform both schools of your intent to transfer.

Here are some myths and facts about transferring.

Myth: I can “transfer” the financial aid awards I currently have to any other school.
Fact: In order to receive financial aid while attending CLC you need to complete a financial aid file at CLC. Make sure that the CLC school code is on your FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). CLC’s school code is 002339. You can add CLC’s school code by logging into your FAFSA at If you have questions stop by at the Campus Welcome Center window or give us a call (1-800-933-0346 or 218-855-8000)! We’d be happy to help!

Myth: CLC has my financial aid application, now I just need to wait.
Fact: When CLC receives the electronic information from your FAFSA your financial aid file will be created at CLC. If additional information is needed you will be notified by email.  Be sure to respond quickly to any and all correspondence you receive from the financial aid office. Once all required information needed to complete your file has been received or verified an Award Notification will be generated and viewable in your E-Services. The award notice will tell you what types of aid you could be eligible to receive and/or apply for. This could include grants, work study or loan eligibility.
Please read it! It is a great source of the “need to know” information!!

Myth: If I received aid at the college I am transferring from then I should have aid at CLC.
Fact: It is possible that most or all of your financial aid eligibility is used up. Do not assume that you will automatically have the same eligibility at CLC. It is important to complete your financial aid file at CLC and review the award notification in your E-Services that will show your eligibility at CLC.

Myth: My student loans will just “transfer” to CLC.
Fact: Student loans do not transfer from one school to another. You will need to have a complete financial aid file AND have received an award notification from CLC before you can apply for student loans at Central Lakes College. There will be information in your award notice telling you how to apply. Also, be sure to cancel your student loan(s) at your previous school.

Have fun!! We look forward to seeing you!

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