Verification of Non-Filing

Verification of Non-Filing

If you did not file a tax return this status has to be verified by the IRS.  You will need to submit a 4506-T to the IRS to request this verification.  Please use this link to the IRS 4506T (pdf)  and follow the steps below to properly fill out the form online.

1. Lines 1-5: Complete where applicable
2. Line 7: “Verification of Nonfiling”, check the box on the right
3. Line 9: Enter the year the financial aid office is requesting in your “Aid Application Status” letter
4. Print the completed form
5. Complete the “Signature of taxpayer(s)” section, which includes checking the “Signatory attests …” box
6. Make a copy of the 4506T for the Financial Aid office.
7. Mail the completed 4506-T to the correct address for your state in the “Chart for individual transcripts” on Page 2 of the 4506T.

If you are unable to complete the form online try printing the form and filling it out by hand.  Make sure that you print very clearly if you decide to complete the form by hand.  Please note the IRS will reject any form that has revisions, erasures or stray marks, so be careful.

PLEASE double check your completed 4506-T form before mailing it to the IRS.

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