Need to register for a few courses at CLC while attending another college or university? Enroll as a visiting student!
Visiting students can register for up to 22 credits among all Minnesota State schools. Many CLC courses are available to visiting students, provided they meet prerequisite requirements. Many students choose CLC because of the inexpensive tuition, smaller class sizes, and expert instructors.
Visiting Students Frequently Asked Questions
How do I determine if a course is available to a visiting student?
The semester course schedule is available online. Make sure Central Lakes College is listed as the College/University and the semester indicator is correct. Search by subject or use the “Advanced Search” to search by other criteria. Click on the course title for more information such as prerequisites, cost, etc.
How do I register for the course(s)
Add the desired course(s) to the wish list and proceed to register by entering your StarID and password. If you do not have a StarID, you can create one by selecting the “Sign up now” button on the registration screen. If you need help registering, please contact an advisor at or 218-855-8000.
What about paying for classes?
CLC Visiting Students are unable to receive financial aid from CLC but may be able to receive it from their home college or university. Contact the Financial Aid Office at your home college or university for more details.
Visiting students are financially responsible for all charges once registered for course(s). Students can view their bill in E-Services under “Bills & Payments” and can make payment through E-Services or at the campus bookstore. See here for payment options.
What about books?
Find out which textbooks are required by visiting the CLC Bookstore Website. CLC is one of the first Minnesota State Colleges to offer a “Z Degree,” which means that many of its courses do not require the purchase of textbooks. For more information on our “Z Degree,” visit the Z Degree Website.
What is D2L Brightspace?
D2L BrightSpace is a web-based suite of teaching and learning tools that provide course development, delivery and management of online courses. For more information, please contact the CLC Computer Support Help Desk at 218-855-8200.
Under what conditions would I be unable to enroll as a visiting student?
Students are unable to enroll as a visiting student if they have a financial hold at another Minnesota State College or University, are currently on Academic Suspension at another Minnesota State College or University, or do not meet prerequisite requirements. Follow the instructions on the error message received when attempting to register.