The Minnesota PSEO program allows 10th, 11th, and 12th grade high school students to take courses and receive both high school and transferable college credit.  Students participate in college courses at one of Central Lakes College’s campuses or online and are taught by CLC instructors.  The PSEO program will cover the cost of tuition and fees, as well as books and supplies for eligible courses whether the student is attending part-time or full-time.  Students are not allowed to take courses with additional fees that exceed a total of $175, or remedial courses (below 1000 level).

To participate in the PSEO program a student must inform their school district by May 30 each year the student intends to enroll in PSEO courses and meet CLC PSEO Admissions requirements.

CLC PSEO Admission Steps

STEP 1. Submit CLC Application

See Steps to Complete CIS/PSEO Application document for detailed information.

STEP 2. Submit PSEO Program Notice of Student Registration Form (pdf)

Return completed form to CLC Brainerd Welcome Center or via email to Tajia Anderson.

Tips for filling out this form correctly the first time!

Section 1.  Completed by Student and Parent/Guardian.  Be sure to complete ALL required fields, if you have completed your CLC Application you have a ‘CLC Tech/Student ID’ – check your email!  You DO NOT need to enter an ‘MDE College Student ID Number.’

Section 2.  Completed by high/home school counselor

NOTE!  High school counselors can refuse to complete this section after May 30 of the year the student intends to participate in the PSEO program.  However, if a high school counselor is willing to complete the form after this date CLC will honor that decision.

Page 2.  Don’t forget to re-enter your personal information at the top of this page.

Section 3.  Completed by Central Lakes College.

STEP 3.  Work with your high school counselor to have an official high school transcript sent directly to CLC


Required documentation based on your grade and high school GPA

12th Grade if your… High School GPA is 2.5 or higher your application is complete.

OR High School GPA is below 2.5 submit a CE Admission Appeal which requires a letter of support from your high school counselor.

11th Grade if your… High School GPA is 3.0 or higher your application is complete.

OR High School GPA is below 3.0 submit a CE Admission Appeal which requires a letter of support from your high school counselor.

10th Grade if your… High School GPA is 3.0 or higher submit MCA Reading (8th Grade) scores with proficiency level “meets or exceeds”.

OR High School GPA is below 3.0 submit BOTH an MCA Reading (8th Grade) score with proficiency level “meets or exceeds” and a CE Admission Appeal which requires a letter of support from your high school counselor.

NOTE!  10th Grade students are ONLY eligible to enroll in ONE Career and Technical Education (CTE) course during their first semester participating in the PSEO program.  View the full list of Grade 10 PSEO Eligible CTE Courses.

CLC PSEO Course Placement

Reading College Level / Writing College Level: High School GPA 2.6 or higher allows registration for most Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC) coursework, including ENGL 1410 Composition I.

Algebra College Level: High School GPA 2.8 or higher AND successful completion of HS Algebra II (C- or higher) allows registration for college level math coursework.

NOTE!  Students who do not meet course placement requirements based on High School GPA may opt to use MCA, ACT, SAT, or Accuplacer test scores.  Find more information about Determining Course Placement and CLC Placement Levels online.

CLC PSEO Registration

STEP 1.  Meet with high/home school counselor to review high school graduation requirements.

It is the student’s responsibility to understand which courses are needed to successfully meet high school graduation requirements.

STEP 2.  Schedule an appointment with a CLC Academic Advisor to register for classes.

A CLC Academic Advisor will review your progress toward CLC degree completion.

STEP 3. Review registered classes with high/home school counselor.

Confirm your college schedule will meet high school graduation requirements.

Returning CLC PSEO Students

Required steps for EACH SEMESTER you wish to register for PSEO courses at Central Lakes College.

STEP 1. Submit PSEO Program Notice of Student Registration Form (pdf)

Return completed form to CLC Brainerd Welcome Center or via email to Tajia Anderson.

STEP 2. Follow CLC PSEO Registration steps

Find additional information about the PSEO program:

3.5.2 Post-secondary Enrollment Option (PSEO) Program Registration CLC Procedure


Minnesota Department of Education Postsecondary Enrollment Options (PSEO)

Updated 05/18/2023

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