3.5.2 Post-secondary Enrollment Option (PSEO) Program Registration CLC Procedure
Part 1. Purpose.
In accordance with Minn. Stat. §124D.09 and Policy 3.5, this procedure governs registration procedures for Post-secondary enrollment option (PSEO) students who meet PSEO Admission Requirements to Central Lakes College (CLC).
Part 2. Registration Procedures for PSEO Students.
PSEO students will be subject to the same registration procedures as other CLC students with the exception that PSEO students who never attend the course, stop attending a course, or withdraw from the course within the first 15 school days of the CLC term will have their registrations canceled and courses dropped from their schedules, in accordance with Minn. Stat. §124D.09, Article 1, Section 1, subd. 13.
Part 3. Course Registration Restrictions.
Courses which have non-consumable items or services in excess of $100.00 may be blocked to PSEO students for registration. This may include, but is not limited to tools, laptops, uniforms, travel costs, etc.
Developmental courses are not covered by the PSEO program. PSEO students will be blocked from registering for Developmental courses.
Part 4. CIS & PSEO Registration Deadlines.
PSEO & CIS Students will not be permitted to register for courses after the 30th business day of the semester.
Date of implementation/Presidential Approval: 7/1/2014
Date of last review: 1/29/2021