College in the Schools (CIS) is a concurrent enrollment program administered by Central Lakes College (CLC) in partnership with regional high schools and accredited by the National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP). High School staff including counselors, school leaders, administrators, and all those working with CIS students, are key to student success. These key partners provide student advising for course selection, assist with student registration, conduct student assessment, and more.
CIS Contracts
CIS Contracts between CLC and high school partners are essential to support the CIS program and partnerships as well as ensure program quality. The contract identifies the rights and responsibilities of all partners including student expectations and the fiscal responsibility relating to course delivery. Contractual Agreements are available upon request, reach out to for more information.
CIS Courses
A list of courses from the CLC Academic catalog that are available to CIS partner schools are listed here: CLC CIS Courses. Additional course information, including a topical outline, learning outcomes, and pre-requisites may be obtained on CLC’s Course Outline Page.
CLC provides CIS partner school staff a variety of tools to assist in scheduling, course selection, registration, and general academic planning. To request access or training on any of these tools reach out to
CIS SharePoint is used for online resource sharing. Additionally, it is the main access point for course schedule planning and student registration information.
CIS Admission Database allows high school partners to review student admission and placement information to determine if a student is ready to register for courses.
eServices provides an up-to-date listing of scheduled CIS courses. To view the CIS schedule be sure to select CLC Concurrent Enrollment in the Campus drop-down box, then select Expand/Collapse for Advanced Search and select your high school from the Location drop-down box.
NACEP Accreditation
The CLC College in the Schools (CIS) program has been accredited by the National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP) since 2012, our current accreditation is valid through 2026. Accreditation serves as a guarantee to students, policy-makers, and other postsecondary institutions that the accredited partnership meets rigorous national standards.
Updated 01/25/2023