Outlook – Signature with CLC Logo
You can create a personalized signature for your email messages that include text, images, and your the CLC logo.
Under the settings icon next to your name in Office365 choose Mail
Then go to settings on the left, under layout, click email signature.
You can copy this example if you wish and paste into the editor using CTRL+V
Name Here
Job Title Here
Central Lakes College
501 West College Dr.
Brainerd, MN 56401
Office: [218]-855-xxxx
Hours:M-F 8:00am – 4:30pm
To Add logo to Signature:
Use this URL to find signature logo:
Right click on the image when it appears and choose copy.
Choose the location where you want the image to be in the signature editor and Use CTRL+V to paste in.
Choose Save at the bottom of the page