
Office 365 – How to connect your iPhone/iPad

You can connect to your CLC Office 365 e-mail account on an iPhone/iPad. When you set up an Exchange account on your iPhone/iPad, you’ll be able to access and synchronize your email, calendar, and contacts.

  1. Select the Settings app for the device
  2. Select Mail, Contacts, Calendars
  3. Select Add Account
  4. Select “Exchange”
  5. Enter the following:

Username: Your full StarID in the format <Your StarID>@minnstate.edu (Faculty/Staff) or <Your StarID>@go.minnstate.edu (Students)

Password: <Your StarID password>

Select “Next”

E-Mail: <Your CLC E-Mail address>

Server: outlook.office365.com

Domain: (Leave Blank)

               Select “Next”

If a window pops up stating “Unable to verify certificate”, select “OK”

Device will verify connection, and if successful, select “Done”

You can now use the native E-Mail, Calendar, and Contacts apps to access your CLC Office 365 information.

Note: This service uses your StarID username/password for authentication.  Every time you change your StarID password, you will also have to update the password on your mobile device.

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