Department Description: Psychology is the study of behavior and mental processes. People sometimes think of psychology as the study of mental and emotional problems, or as psychotherapy, but the field is actually much broader than this. We use the scientific method to study human behavior in all its many forms, from the genetic level and the biological basis of behavior, to understanding how individuals and groups behave in everyday activities. Psychology includes the study of what we have in common with other human beings, such as how we learn and remember, along with what makes us unique individuals – our personalities. We study what makes people thrive and grow, as well as what might lead to problems. The Psychology Department faculty has a wealth of experience in the teaching of psychology as well as practical experience working in the field, and they use this to enrich the classroom. Faculty members also maintain memberships in professional psychology organizations to stay up to date with research findings and developments in the field. The Psychology Club is a student organization that takes on service projects on campus and in the community, and holds regular social events. Central Lakes College also has a chapter of Psi Beta, the national honor society for psychology students at two-year colleges.
Department Learning Outcomes:
- Identify and apply alternative explanatory systems or theories.
- Identify and communicate alternative explanations for contemporary social issues.
- Identify the methods and data that historians and social and behavioral sciences use to investigate the human condition.
- Examine social institutions and processes across a range of historical periods or cultures.
Special Department Information: General Psychology is a survey course that provides a broad introduction to the field of psychology. This course is also a prerequisite for some of the other psychology courses, such as Human Development and Abnormal Psychology.
Transfer Opportunities: Psychology courses fulfill several goal areas of the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum. Many students at CLC take courses in psychology, as the study of psychology is an excellent preparation for further study in numerous fields such as teaching, health care, social service, criminal justice and business.
Career Opportunities: Psychology is an appropriate background for any job that involves working with other people. Psychology is also great for understanding and changing your own behavior, so personal interest often brings students to psychology classes.
Career Titles: Psychologist, Counselor, Behavior Analyst, Case Worker, Human Resources Director, Social Services Director, Customer Relations Worker, Research Analyst, Probation Officer, Manager
Employment Statistics
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