Possible Questions from the Review Team

Possible Questions from the Review Team

Below are some examples of the kinds of questions the peer review team may wish to ask.  The list below is not exhaustive, but it may give you a better idea of their interests.  Please be thoughtful, candid, and honest when talking to members of the team. Your interactions with them will reinforce our Assurance Argument and provide strong evidence that we meet the Criteria for Accreditation. We will use these examples at the open forums in February and discuss some of them together.

Most of these questions seek your individual experience and knowledge about the CLC environment and operations. You need not be an expert in all areas, nor should you feel anxious if you do not know the answer to a question. It would be most helpful, in that case, to be able to direct the team to the appropriate resource on campus.

Questions for Everyone

  1. What do you know about accreditation?
  2. Have you read CLC’s Assurance Argument?
  3. How would you describe CLC’s mission? Do you know where you would find the official statement?
  4. How does you or your department contribute to CLC’s mission?
  5. What are the college’s current strategic planning priorities?
  6. What are CLC’s greatest strengths?  What are the biggest challenges facing CLC?
  7. What makes CLC unique?
  8. How would you describe the campus climate for diversity?
  9. What is it like to work at CLC? How is morale on campus?
  10. Do you think that academics are the top priority at CLC? Why or why not?
  11. Describe any campus processes that could be improved or made more efficient.
  12. What kind of changes are taking place at CLC? Do you see these as positive or not?

Questions for Faculty

  1. What characterizes a CLC education?
  2. What is your department’s vision for the future? How does this relate to the college’s vision?
  3. Can you describe the tenure and promotion process? What is your impression of the process?
  4. How would you describe the shared governance process at CLC?
  5. What characterizes the relationship between faculty and administration?
  6. What resources are available to support faculty (e.g., library, internal grants, external grant support, faculty development, travel, etc.)? Are these sufficient in meeting faculty needs?
  7. Is your department actively involved in assessing student learning? How has your department used its assessment findings?
  8. How do your students find success once they graduate?
  9. What opportunities do students in your program have to gain experience with research? Community or civic engagement? Diversity or multiculturalism?
  10. What is the purpose of CLC’s general education program? In what ways does the program achieve its goals for students? How could it be improved?
  11. Does your department offer courses or programs via distance education? If so, how does the department ensure the quality of the curriculum?

Questions for Staff

  1. How does your department support the academic mission of the college?
  2. What is it like to be a staff member at CLC?
  3. What opportunities do you have for professional development?
  4. How are staff evaluated at CLC? What is your impression of the evaluation process?
  5. How would you describe the shared governance process at CLC? Do you think that staff have sufficient input into decisions that affect them?
  6. What characterizes the relationship between staff and administration?
  7. Do units across campus work collaboratively? How well does this work? What might be improved?
  8. Do you feel that the work you do is valued?
  9. How does your department contribute to student learning and development?
  10. How does your department assess or evaluate effectiveness?

Questions for Students

  1. Why did you choose CLC? Have your expectations been met?
  2. What do you think is special about a CLC education?
  3. What do you like best about CLC? What would you change if you could?
  4. Would you recommend CLC to other students?
  5. Have you experienced any problems getting the courses you need in a timely manner?
  6. What are your experiences with academic advising?
  7. Do you know where to go for help with the following?
    • academic support
    • career planning
    • personal counseling
    • making a complaint
    • technology support.
  8. What is your experience with the following college services: library, tutoring services, dining services, academic advising?
  9. What characterizes the relationship between students and faculty?
  10. What opportunities do you have to conduct research? Participate in community or service learning experiences? Interact with people and cultures different from your own?
  11. Did you transfer credit to CLC?  If you did, what was your experience with the process?
  12. Do you think the college is clear in its communication with students about topics such as financial aid, student conduct, costs, and graduation requirements? What improvements would you recommend?
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