7.9.1 Department of Labor Grant Management Procedure
Application Process
All Central Lakes College (CLC) DOL grants must follow the SOP located on the DOL shared drive or SharePoint site.
Successful Grant Award
CLC grants must be signed by the college president, or designee. A grant director, designated by the president, has overall accountability for the grant outcomes. The grant director sends a copy of the grant to the Business Office. The Vice President of Administrative Services and/or Director of Business Services sets up the account structure and approved budget in ISRS and forwards to the grant director for review and discussion if appropriate.
Purchase Order Approval and Processing
1. All purchases made must follow the DOL Grant Purchasing SOP.
2. All MinnState Board Policies and Procedures will be followed as well as all CLC Policies and Procedures.
3. The Grant director is responsible for compliance of respective grantor policies and regulations.
4. The Grant director or designee is responsible for the completion of MinnState template contracts that are required per policies. For example – Guest Lecturer and Professional Technical Contracts.
5. All purchase orders that require quotes, bids, or contracts will be held until documentation is received by CLC Business Office.
6. The CLC Business Office will process purchase order based on directions given by the grant director or designee and file in accounts payable files at the CLC Business Office.
Credit Cards
1. All purchases made must follow the DOL Grant Purchasing SOP.
2. All purchases must be made in compliance with MnSCU and CLC policies and procedures.
3. The grant director will be responsible for purchasing cards based on policies and will be the approver for all expenses charged to grant.
4. The CLC Business Office will encumber funds in the PO system to the credit card company and put through cost allocation process.
5. The Grant director or designee will return original receipts and detail of cost center and object code to CLC Business Office personnel for chargebacks to cost center.
6. The CLC Business Office will determine if any further documentation or adjustments are needed.
Accounts Payable Payment Processing
1. The grant director will approve all vendor invoices with signature, PO number (if required), and cost center and forward to the CLC Business Office.
2. The CLC Business Office will review the purchase order encumbered amount for sufficient funds and approve expenditure for payment. Discrepancies will be emailed to grant director or designee.
3. If encumbrance and vendor invoices agree, CLC Accounts Payable staff will pay all approved vendor invoices in a timely manner.
Personnel, Payroll, and Employee Expense Reports
1. The Grant director will send Human Resources and VP Administrative Services all personnel assignments for the ensuing fiscal year by April 1, if possible.
2. The VP Administrative Services will determine if budgets allow the personnel plan. If issues arise, VP Administrative Services will work with grant director for solutions.
3. Payment of employees will follow college standard processes. However, timesheets for individuals partially funded by the grant will maintain time and effort logs that document time spent on grant activities. These time and effort logs will be forwarded to the grant director and then the business office for processing as chargebacks.
4. Employee expense reports for the grants will follow MinnState 5.19.3 Travel Management Policy and will be reviewed and signed by the employee’s supervisor as well as the grant director as the cost center authority, then forwarded to payroll and business office departments for processing.
1. Travel related activity funded by DOL grant funds will comply with CLC’s grant related travel/expense policies and procedures.
College Internal Chargebacks
1. CLC Business Office personnel will chargeback for printing and copying per CLC managed printing system rates. Postage and bookstore supplies chargebacks will be charged back monthly.
2. Chargebacks can be viewed through the web-based application of ISRS.
Receipt of Funds
1. Advances of grant funds will be receipted by CLC Business Office in the proper cost center.
2. Reimbursement request will be calculated by CLC Business Office staff or grant accountant, if applicable, and reviewed and approved by the VP Administrative Services and/or Director of Business Services.
3. CLC Business Office staff will properly receipt reimbursement funds.
Budget Adjustments
1. The Grant director must approve and notify the VP Administrative Services and/or Director of Business Services in writing of any budget adjustments.
2. If in the processing of a purchase order there is insufficient funds noted, the grant director or designee must notify in writing to the VP Administrative Services and/or Director of Business Services the request for the transfer of funds based on grant regulations.
3. VP Administrative Services and/or Director of Business Services will complete budget adjustments, print grant director request and documentation, and attach to budget adjustments. These adjustments will be kept electronically and/or in hard copy.
Grant Reporting
1. Grant reporting will adhere to requirements of the respective grant.
2. The grant director is responsible for compliance with sensitive time requirements of the grant and reports those dates to the VP Administrative Services and/or Director of Business Services and grant accountant (if applicable).
3. Grant director, VP Administrative Services and/or Director of Business Services, and grant accountant (if applicable), will meet periodically to discuss matters pertaining to the grant.
4. All single payments will be reported on the OMB 1512 report.
Grant Close Out
1. Usually time sensitive, the VP Administrative Services and/or Director of Business Services and the grant director will meet three (3) months prior to close out to discuss budget balances.
2. One month prior to close out the VP Administrative Services and/or Director of Business Services and grant director will meet to monitor the progress, budget balances, and encumbrances.
3. Final closeout reports will be jointly reviewed by the grant director, VP Administrative Services and/or Director of Business Services and grant accountant (if applicable).
Date of Implementation/Presidential Approval: 7/1/2013
Date of last review: 9/30/2020