5.8 Tobacco Free Policy and Procedure
Central Lakes College is committed to providing a safe, clean and healthy environment for all. This commitment, along with the scientific research documenting health risks associated with tobacco use, the assessments of regional and national trends, and input from the campus community provide the rationale for the establishment of Central Lakes College as a Tobacco Free Campus.
The use, sale, free distribution, or advertising of tobacco products (in any form) and electronic delivery devices (more commonly referred to as e-cigarettes) are prohibited at all times in or on all college-owned, leased or operated property, including but not limited to any buildings, grounds, walkways, arenas, playing fields, owned vehicles, and other motorized equipment. No designated smoking areas or ashtrays will be provided. Littering on campus, including cigarettes butts or other tobacco waste, is also prohibited.
This policy applies to all employees, students, vendors, contractors, visitors, and guests.
It is not a violation of this policy for tobacco or electronic delivery devices to be used:
- By a Native American as part of a traditional Native American spiritual or cultural ceremony;
- As part of approved scientific studies; and
- During theatrical productions.
Approval from college administration must be requested and received prior to ceremony, study, or production.
It is not a violation of this policy to use a product that has been approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration for sale as a tobacco cessation product, as a tobacco dependence product, or for other medical purposes, and is being marketed and sold solely for such an approved purpose.
It is not a violation of this policy to use tobacco or an electronic delivery device inside a private, enclosed motor vehicle on college property, if the user demonstrates respect for other individuals and the environment.
The implementation of this policy will be augmented by an education and awareness campaign that may include but is not limited to:
- Notification of this policy to prospective and current employees, students, vendors, contractors, visitors, and guests;
- Informational meetings, postings and email notifications;
- Publication in staff/faculty human resources manuals, student guides and handbooks, and corresponding websites;
- Educational campaigns and events engaging classmates and colleagues;
- Referrals to smoking cessation programs; and
- Establishing a culture of compliance through student and employee oversight.
Signs bearing the message “Tobacco-Free Campus” will be posted at strategic locations on college property.
Central Lakes College is committed to supporting those who want to stop using tobacco and will identify and/or offer cessation programs and services (such as Quitplan – www.quitplan.com) to those ready to quit.
Ensuring the success of this policy cited above is the responsibility of all Central Lakes College employees, students, vendors, contractors, visitors, and guests. It is expected that all employees, students, vendors, contractors, visitors, and guests to campus comply with this policy. Members of our campus community are expected to comply with the policy and are empowered to respectfully inform others in an ongoing effort to enhance awareness and encourage compliance. An individual who feels that there has been a violation of this policy may attempt to resolve the problem informally by requesting that the individual comply with the college policy. When direct appeals fail and the behavior persists, violations will be addressed as follows:
- Student violations will be referred to the Dean of Students (Student Conduct Officer) and be held to the established Student Code of Conduct.
- Employee violations will be referred to the appropriate supervisor and held to established administrative policies regarding conduct.
- Vendor and contractor violations will be reported to the CLC Business Office for appropriate reinforcement of contract expectations.
Visitors or guests who violate the policy may be asked to leave the property.
Date of Implementation/Presidential Approval 11/28/2011
Date of last revision: 9/14/2020