College in the Schools (CIS) High School Instructor’s Guide

College in the Schools (CIS) High School Instructor’s Guide


College in the Schools

CIS High School Instructor’s Responsibilities

CIS New Instructor Orientation Workshop includes:

  • General information about the CIS Program at Central Lakes College
    (history, partnerships, enrollment, etc.)
  • Syllabus Requirements (syllabus checklist, templates, examples)
  • Roles and responsibilities of a CIS Instructor
  • Review of National Alliance for Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP) Accreditation Standards
  • CLC’s E-services and STAR ID information
  • College-wide and classroom assessment expectations
  • Information regarding the annual CIS Professional Development In-Service (August 21)
  • Review of “Non Compliance Policies” regarding Professional Development and Course Content (see Resource pages 5-6)
  • Discipline-Specific(pre-class) meeting with CIS Collaborator includes:
    • Review of common course outline including learning outcomes and course objectives
      with CIS Collaborator.
    • Discussion of course content, course delivery, assessment, grading, textbook criteria, textbook selection, evaluation, research and development in the field, as well as other course-specific details such as if the CIS Instructor would like the CIS Collaborator to guest-lecture in the class.
    • Review of MNADE brochure “College Success” which outlines the differences between high school and college.
    • Process for accessing CLC’s Library materials & resources.

Syllabus Review and Submission to CLC

  • Review & discuss the “Guidelines for Writing a Syllabus” with your CIS Collaborator.
    (see Resource pages 11-12)
  • See CIS Website for additional syllabus resources such as: syllabus checklist, template, and example syllabus.
  • Develop a syllabus based on the specific course outline provided by the CLC department faculty.
  • NOTE: The review of the syllabus needs to be completed before the course begins.
  • After reviewing your course syllabus with the CIS Collaborator, provide a copy to your CIS Collaborator prior to the course commencing.

Semester Contact Activities with CIS Collaborator

  • Contact activities need to be determined by the CIS Instructor and CIS Collaborator.
  • Communication and coordination of classroom visits by both parties is a must.
    • Communicate and collaborate when classroom visit(s) will take place.
    • Determine what the classroom visit will entail.
  • Required CIS Collaborator visits: a minimum of 2 classroom visits for a first-time course and minimum of 1 visit for a repeat course per term
  • Possible activities may include: discussing class assignments or projects, reviewing tests or papers, observing classroom lectures/activities, student learning assessments, guest lecturing, and discussing teaching & learning pedagogy, strategies, etc.
  • Review process for checking class lists on e-services.

Semester/Course Activities

  • Review online student handbooks with students to ensure they understand academic policies related to the CIS course.
  • Conduct the Student Learning Assessment.
  • Review class lists to ensure students are registered for the college course.
  • Submit student grades within three academic days of the end of the courses.
  • Communicate on a regular basis throughout the term with your collaborator through phone calls, telecommunication, emails, in-person, etc.
  • Respond to communication from your collaborator within 24 hours.

Post-Course Discussion of the Effectiveness of the Class

  • Reviewed process for entering grades on e-services.
  • Reviewed deadlines for grade entry.
  • Discuss the following with the CIS Collaborator: what went well; what could be improved; any additional equipment needs; student learning assessment; grading practices; materials or training that would help improve the course in the future.

Annual Expectations and Miscellaneous Items

  • Attend the annual CIS In-Service (professional development requirement).
    • NOTE: If unable to attend In Service, contact CIS Director or assigned CIS Collaborator prior to event. (See CLC policy on page 5)
  • Update professional information with Central Lakes College annually as it relates to your academic credentials and completion of a Professional Development Plan (PDP).
  • Update personal information (e.g. address change) with Central Lakes College as needed.



College in the Schools (CIS) Instructor

Non-Compliance Policy for Professional Development

All CIS instructors are expected to attend annual professional development to stay informed of college expectations as they relate to current course content and rigor. CIS Instructors are expected to attend the annual discipline-specific workshop to stay in compliance with the policy.

Central Lakes College (CLC) maintains documentation of annual CIS professional development participation for all CIS Instructors. The Program Director will conduct an annual compliance review and notifies those CIS instructors who are in danger of non-compliance with the participation policy.

In the event a CIS instructor misses the annual professional development workshop and has not made arrangements to meet individually with the faculty collaborator prior to the start of the term, the following will result:

  1. The faculty collaborator will contact the CIS instructor to coordinate a meeting. An individual meeting between the faculty collaborator and CIS instructor will serve as a substitute (on a one-time-basis) for the annual professional development workshop. The primary focus of the meeting will be to review discipline-specific expectations related to course content and rigor.
  2. If the CIS instructor is unable to meet with the faculty collaborator, cancels the meeting, or is unwilling to find a time to meet, the Program Director will advise the High School Administrator and CIS instructor that his/her course is in jeopardy of being cancelled.  The CIS instructor will then be responsible for contacting the faculty collaborator to schedule a meeting and report back to the Program Director with the meeting specifics.
  3. If the instructor misses the annual professional development workshops and DOES NOT meet with the faculty collaborator prior to the start of the succeeding academic year, the instructor will be put on probation for a one-year period.  During the probationary period, the CIS instructor MUST meet with the faculty collaborator and attend the next professional development workshop. The high school principal and collaborator will both be informed of the probationary period and consequences of non-compliance.
  4. If, at the end of the year of probation the instructor is still non-compliant, the CIS course is cancelled and the instructor is no longer considered a CIS instructor for that course.


NOTE: If an instructor has been approved to offer CIS courses in more than one discipline, workshop attendance is tracked for each discipline. Cancellation of one CIS course due to non-compliance does not automatically cancel other CIS courses.

College in the Schools (CIS) Instructor

Non-Compliance Policy for Course Content

All CIS instructors are expected to adhere to the CLC common course outline content, academic rigor, and assessment components. Non-compliance occurs when any of the outlined CIS course content expectations are not adhered to.


If the faculty collaborator has significant concerns regarding a CIS instructor’s adherence to the course content, academic rigor, and/or assessment components, the instructional issues will be addressed on a case-by-case basis, with the goal of assisting the CIS instructor to correct the concerns.


  1. The faculty collaborator’s concerns will be documented in writing in the site visit report and sent to Paul Preimesberger, Dean of Enrollment Management and Student Success. The written documentation will be kept in the CIS Program’s Master Files.
  2. The Program Director will contact the high school administrator to coordinate a meeting with the CIS instructor, faculty collaborator, the Program Director, and high school administrator to discuss instructional concerns and develop an action plan.
  3. The faculty collaborator will follow up with the CIS instructor, either through another meeting or through a classroom observation, to determine if the concerns outlined in the action plan have been addressed and resolved.
  4. If, after thorough consultation and careful consideration, Paul Preimesberger, Dean of Enrollment Management and Student Success, the faculty collaborator, and the Academic Dean determine that the course does not maintain college quality, Paul Preimesberger will cancel the course for the subsequent academic year and the instructor will lose his/her status as a CIS instructor in that discipline. The high school administration will be informed of the College’s decision, and Paul Preimesberger will work with the high school to identify another instructor, if appropriate.


NOTE: If an instructor has been approved to offer CIS courses in more than one discipline or course, the faculty collaborator for each area will assess adherence to course content. Cancellation of one CIS course due to non-compliance does not automatically cancel other CIS courses.


CIS Website

The CIS Website is located at:

Please consult this webpage to access information about the CIS program. Website categories include: Contact Us, Students, Parents, Faculty, Counselors, Administrators, Program Evaluation, and Bridges Academies.


On the WEB

Accessing Class Lists and Student Addresses on e-Services

Verify your class lists often on the CLC web site:

  1. Click on “E-SERVICES” at the top of the main page.
  2. Enter your “StarID” (please note- to activate your StarID, visit
  3. Enter your “StarID password”
  4. Check the “Display Name” box.
  5. Click on “Login”.
  6. Login
  7. Ensure Home Institution displays Central Lakes College
  8. Click on “Facultyt” – top left corner
  9. Select “Class List” from drop down
  10. Change semester if necessary.
  11. Click on Desired course under “Course ID”.


  • If you do not have a Tech ID #, or need to obtain your existing Tech ID #, please contact Phil Olsen at 218-855-8035 or at
  • If you require help activating your StarID, please contact the CLC Computer Support Desk at 218.855.8200.

If you have questions regarding student course registrations, grade entry, academic policies, or CLC eServices Questions, or forgot your six digit password/PIN, please email CLC at;
OR contact Peggy Thorn, Enrollment Services Specialist.
Peggy’s direct phone number is 218.894.5175.

CLC’s Academic Grading System


Grades are due three days after the last test day or final class day. It is imperative that grades are entered on the web on time by the due date. See directions below. Enter the grade earned at the time grades are due.


Grade changes can be made if the student completes course requirements or if an error occurred. Forms are available in Records and Registration or an email to from the instructor will be accepted.


Incomplete or “I” grades may be used in very few circumstances. “I” grades change to “F” grades after one full term.  Note: All “I” grades will affect a student’s probation or suspension status.  All incomplete grades assignments cannot be done on eServices, and must be assigned through the Application for an Incomplete Grade Process




Grade Point Value Description
A 4.0 Excellent
 A- 3.67
 B+ 3.33 Above Average
B 3.00
B- 2.67
C+ 2.33
C 2.00 Average
C- 1.67
 D+ 1.33 Minimum Passing
D 1.00
D- .67
F 00 Failing
FN 00 Non-Attendance
FW 00 Withdrawal
S 00 Satisfactory
U 00 Unsatisfactory
W 00 Withdraw
(student generated)
I 00 Incomplete


For more details on grading, see CLC’s website:


On the WEB: Entering Grades on E-Services

Go to the CLC web site:

  1. Click on “E-SERVICES” at the top of the main page under “Student Quicklinks”.
  2. Enter your “StarID” (please note- to activate your StarID, visit
  3. Enter your “StarID password”
  4. Check the “Display Name” box.
  5. Click on “Login”.
  6. Login
  7. Click on “Faculty” top left corner
  8. Select Grade & LDA Entry from drop-down list
  9. Change semester if necessary.
  10. Click on “Enter Grades” beside course
  11. Notice the “Grading Status” Box: Grading will either be open for saving drafts, or posting.
    1. Saving Drafts allows you to save a draft of a student’s grades. This does not provide a student with a final grade and can be changed.
    2. Posting Grades posts final student grades and cannot be changed.
      1. Posting Grades opens up one week before the scheduled course ending date.
    3. “Select Student Participation”
  • if student completed the course leave as ‘completed’
  • If student W/D prior to the end of class, select “Partially Attended”, Award a “W” for the grade and then enter “Last Date of Attendance”
  • If student never attended, select “Never Attended”. A “FN” grade will populate.
  1. Find the appropriate grade in the “Grade” drop down column.
    1. If a student earned an “F” in your course, the system requires a last date of attendance. Enter the date the student last participated in class, even if it was during the final exam.
  2. If you wish to only save your draft of the grades and post final grades later, or if posting final grades is not available yet, click the “Save Draft Grades/Post LDA” button. You will then be taken to a screen that asks you to input your password/PIN to save the draft
    1. Note: If you elect to save a draft of your grades, you will still need to POST your final grades within three days after the final test.
  3. If you wish to permanently post your final grades, and the grading window is open for posting final grades, you first need to Save as a Draft.

Then select the top box above the list of students and click to select all students.

Click “Post Final Grades” You will be sent to a screen that will prompt you to enter your password/PIN to post the grades.

  1. Note: Students who have “Withdrawn” from the course will earn “W” grades, and instructors will not be able to change those grades using eServices.
  1. If you wish to print your grades, Select the Print button at the bottom of the screen
  2. If you wish to change a student’s grade after posting, please select “GRADE CHANGE” from the drop-down list under “Faculty” at the top left corner of the screen.
  • Select GO next to the course of the grade change
  • Find the student and select EDIT
  • Enter the new Grade
  • Enter the REASON for the change (i.e. completed missing assignments, mis-entered grade, etc.)
  • Click SAVE
  1. A report will be sent to the Records Department at CLC and they will post the Grade Change.

Student Learning Assessment

The Central Lakes College Student Learning Assessment Program is designed to ensure that students are achieving the appropriate learning outcomes. Each department at CLC has developed an assessment plan for how to assess core department or program learning outcomes cyclically over time.

Department/program learning outcomes have been mapped to CLC’s college-wide competencies and to individual course learning goals, so that an embedded classroom assessment could offer valuable data at the course, department, and college-level. CLC departments are charged with designing, tracking, and documenting assessment activities and for including CIS instructors in the process. Therefore, CIS instructors and collaborators will consult during in-service days to plan and clarify assessment responsibilities for the academic year.

CIS instructors should consult with their CIS collaborators to ensure that the appropriate assessment tasks are completed within a given semester. In addition to classroom tests and graded assignments, students may be required to complete projects, surveys, comprehensive exams, or portfolios to measure mastery of specific learning outcomes. Instructors and collaborators will review assessment results to encourage inquiry into teaching and learning and to determine if changes need to be made to the curriculum or the method of instruction.

CLC department assessment activities are documented and shared to encourage continuous improvement and to meet the goals of the college’s strategic plan. CLC’s assessment program is also designed to meet the standards of the National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP) and CLC’s accrediting body, the Higher Learning Commission.

Changes that enhance the curriculum and learning environment directly relate to expected increases in student learning and are part of a continuous progress improvement model.

Any questions regarding Student Learning Assessment should be directed to your collaborator, or you can go to the Student Learning Assessment web page: 

Guidelines for Writing a Course Syllabus

According to MnSCU Board Policy 3.22, Course Syllabi: Each college and university shall establish institutional procedures which assure that each student enrolled in a course shall be provided a course syllabus within a maximum of one week from the first class meeting.  When courses are offered in condensed format, the timeframe for distribution of the syllabus shall be adjusted accordingly.

The purpose of a course syllabus at Central Lakes College is to communicate to students what the course is about, why the course is taught, what information will be taught, and what is required of students to successfully complete the course.

The syllabus contains the following items:

  • College Information – List the college name, instructional site and address.
  • Instructor Information – List your full name, office number, office phone

number, office hours, and if you want to add them, fax/e-mail address and home phone number.

  • Course Information – List the semester and year, course prefix and number, full title of the course, any prerequisite for the course, and times/hours per week the course will meet.
  • Course Description – Summarize the material covered in the course and the lecture/lab breakdown (comparable to course description in the college catalog).
  • Course Focus – Give the purpose of the course or technical program requirement and, if and how, the course relates to the transfer curriculum.
  • Textbooks and Materials – List the textbook(s) and other materials or supplies students need for the course.
  • Course Objectives/Competencies – Give the instructional objectives describing what skills/competencies the student will gain by taking this course.
  • Student Requirements – Articulate expectations of students, including assignments, outside work or activities, class participation, safety expectations, attendance (what students should do if they are absent), etc.  Assignment information can include the conditions, value, and timing as determined by the instructor.
  • Academic Integrity – Include an appropriate statement that explains the CLC Academic Ethics Policy (Example:  CLC expects all students to uphold the highest standards of academic integrity and acts of dishonesty will not be tolerated.)  (See Student Handbook for Academic Ethics Policy)
  • Course Evaluation – Describe how student achievement is assessed (measured) in the class.  Also include how grades are assigned (straight percentage or curve).
  • Emergency Procedures – Provide general instructions regarding an emergency.

(Procedures may include who to call or where to go.)

  • Syllabus/Statement of Accommodations and MnSCU compliant:

As an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer and educator, Central Lakes College is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination in employment and education opportunity and works to provide reasonable accommodations for all persons with disabilities.  Accommodations are provided on an individualized, as-needed basis, determined through appropriate documentation of need.  Please contact Mallori Sheik, Disability Services Coordinator, or 218-855-8175, office E138 to meet and discuss reasonable and appropriate accommodations for your plan.  The accommodations authorized in your plan should be discussed with your instructor.  All discussions will remain confidential.  This syllabus is available in alternate formats upon request.

  • Mandatory Reporting (Optional statement) – “Minnesota law requires all educators to immediately report instances of actual or suspected sexual abuse, physical abuse, or neglect of individuals under the age of 18 to the local police, county sheriff or social services agency.”

Guidebook Revised July 2020

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