Activate your StarID Now!

Beginning spring semester, all students will use StarID to login to:
• D2L
• CLC Computers
• eServices

The StarID is a username with the goal of replacing your many login IDs with one ID, one password,
everywhere. Once you activate it, you can use your StarID and password anywhere that accepts
StarID. It is unique across the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system. Change your password
in one place — — and it will change everywhere.

To activate your StarID:
Step 1: Visit the website
Step 2: Click on Activate StarID
Step 3: Click on Activate StarID (at top of left menu)
Step 4: Under Students, click on one of the four identifiers
Step 5: Enter information and click continue

Your StarID
2 Letters • 4 Number • 2 Letters
Example: ab1234cd.

Your Password
You create this password. This password is case sensitive and should contain upper and lower case
letters, numbers, and a special character and be at least 8 digits long.

Activate: Now!
Use: After December 27

If you have any questions or issues please contact Liz at or 218-855-8200

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