Board of Directors

CLCF Board of Directors

The Central Lakes College Foundation is governed by an independent Board of Directors made up of distinguished business and community leaders who represent the social and economic makeup of the central Minnesota community. This volunteer board directs the activities of the foundation and ensures its funds are being used to support the foundation’s mission.

First Name Last Name Company
Barbara Anderson Secretary Joint Commission
Jim Benson Past Chair Sourcewell
Jennifer Bergman Minnesota Housing
Mike Bjerkness BLEADC
Brad Chapulis President City of Baxter
Hara Charlier Ex-officio President – Central Lakes College
Beth Gruber Mille Lacs Corporate Ventures
Nathan Hamilton Essentia Health
Katie Heppner Central Lakes College
Robb Kolodziej Central Lakes College
John Ohlin Deerwood Bank
Matt Sundquist Graphic Packaging
Steve Wenzel Central Lakes College
Lisa Wigand Treasurer Retired-Bremer Bank
Amy Matter-Hines Central Lakes College

Seeking Applicants
The Central Lakes College Foundation is currently seeking applicants for its Board of Directors. Participation in the board enables members to gain valuable experience in governance, actively participate in the community, and be a part of a committed team. As members of the Central Lakes College Foundation, individuals demonstrate a commitment to the support and advancement of the college, its students, and staff. Such a commitment requires time, energy, skills and financial support of the member. For more information, please contact or 218-855-8129.

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