Transfer Pathway Degrees

Transfer Pathway Degrees

Save time and money as you work towards graduation. Minnesota State Transfer Pathways are designed so you can complete a specific associate degree at Central Lakes College and transfer to a Minnesota State university to earn a bachelor’s degree without losing credits or having to take extra courses.

If you complete a Transfer Pathway degree program at a Minnesota State college and are admitted to a Minnesota State university, you will be guaranteed junior status and given assurance that all 60 college credits will count toward the related bachelor’s degree. You may complete the bachelor’s degree in 60 additional credits. Students must meet special admission requirements for the major and are not guaranteed admission into the major itself.

clc buildingAdvantages of Transfer Pathway Degrees at Central Lakes College

  • Guaranteed transfer of all of your classes
  • Enjoy the small class sizes and high quality instruction
  • Online and on campus courses
  • Online and on campus tutoring
  • Take advantage of the many arts and athletics opportunities
  • Friendly staff and faculty to support you
  • Affordable tuition
  • Many scholarships and grants are available

Transfer Pathway Degrees at CLC

Associate in Arts

Communication Studies Transfer Pathway A.A. Degree
Economics Transfer Pathway A.A. Degree
English Transfer Pathway A.A. Degree
History Transfer Pathway A.A. Degree
Political Science Transfer Pathway A.A. Degree
Psychology Transfer Pathway A.A. Degree
Sociology Transfer Pathway A.A. Degree
Spanish Transfer Pathway A.A. Degree

Associate in Science

Biology Transfer Pathway A.S. Degree
Business Transfer Pathway A.S. Degree
Chemistry Transfer Pathway A.S. Degree
Early Childhood Education Transfer Pathway A.S. Degree
Exercise Science Transfer Pathway AS Degree
Pre-Social Work Transfer Pathway A.S. Degree

Associate in Fine Arts

Art Transfer Pathway A.F.A. Degree

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