Star Alert Emergency Notification

CLC Star Alert Emergency Notification

Star Alert is a free Central Lakes College emergency notification system that makes it possible for students and employees to receive notices of campus-related emergencies via text, email, and voice alerts.

All students and employees automatically receive notifications to their CLC email account and designated phones.  Individuals may also elect to add additional phone numbers or emails to receive voice/text messages.  Students automatically receive text messages if they have supplied a text-enabled cell phone number.

How do I sign up for Star Alert?

Step 1.

Browse to the Central Lakes College Star Alert portal page and click Sign Me Up!
Signup screen for Blackboard Connect.

Step 2.

You will receive a confirmation email to your CLC student or employee email account from  Open the email and click/open the link provided.

Greeting email message from Blackboard Connect.



You will then be prompted to answer three security questions, and then select Save.

Blackboard Connect three security questions.

Step 3.

Then to associate your account, Enter your StarID (referred to as identification code) and institutional email address ( for employees and for students; and click Submit. *** The identification code is your StarID *** The Email MUST be an Institutional Email account.
Enter Star ID into Blackboard Connect.

Step 4.

The Star Alert System will display your contact record.  Select the “associate button” below your records to associate your portal account to your Star Alert Account.

Step 5.

You will then be asked to confirm the information on your portal account. Ensure the information is correct and select next.

Step 6.

You are then given the opportunity to add additional modes of communication to your portal account. By choosing add address, add email or add phone.  Choose the delivery methods you desire.

BlackBoard Connect modes of communication.

Step 7.

You will receive a confirmation page showing that you have successfully enrolled in the delivery modes you desire.   Click done.

If you have trouble signing into the portal, you can receive help by contacting the Student Services at 218.855.8000 or by email

Staying informed and safe Messages are brief, spam-free and advertiser free, only to be sent in case of an emergency. Notifications identified as “Star Alert” messages will note the nature of the emergency, what action, if any, you are to take, and where to find more information. Star Alert will announce if a campus is closed. Star Alert is offered in addition to college emergency notification through CLC student Email, campus closed-circuit TV, and the CLC website.

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