CLC Commencement Ceremonies 2022
Staples Campus Commencement • Wednesday, May 11, 2022
Brainerd Campus Commencement • Friday, May 13, 2022
Detailed information regarding the spring 2022 commencement events will be posted here in early 2022.
CLC Commencement Ceremonies 2021
Information on Graduation Requirements
After a year in which students faced many challenges, Central Lakes College is pleased to announce plans to hold in-person commencement ceremonies for spring 2021 graduates at Brainerd and Staples.
Because of the ongoing pandemic, these in-person gatherings will be limited to graduates only, no guests. Family members and friends will be invited to watch the premier event ceremonies on the college website and social media. Graduates who choose not to attend in person will be able to participate virtually.
CLC is planning to hold multiple personalized ceremonies to follow current guidelines from the CDC and the Minnesota Department of Health. Event details and participation information for graduates will be made available by mid-April.
All graduates attending our ceremonies will need to wear a mask and social distance, as well as complete a COVID screening prior to the event using the COVID Daily Screening Tool.
The College reserves the right to make changes to the plans in accordance with current COVID guidelines.
Contact the Campus Welcome Center if you have any questions in regard to your program or graduation status.
Contact Information: 218-855-8000 or
Did you miss Grad Wrap? Don’t worry – there is still time to get your cap, gown and tassel!
Planning to walk in the in-person ceremonies? Pick up your cap, gown, tassel and more at either campus Welcome Center during normal business hours. Please do so by April 30.
Planning to participate virtually? Virtual participation closed on April 30.
Not going to participate? You still need to apply to graduate! Apply by April 30 to have your name in the 2020-21 Commencement Program!
Questions? Call 218-855-8000 or email
Students finishing their academic program Fall 2020, Spring or Summer 2021
1) Apply to Graduate
Students are required to submit an Application for Graduation, regardless of their plans to attend commencement.
Students may receive assistance completing this online form from advisors and at the campus Welcome Centers.
2) Decide How You Would Like to Participate
In-person commencement ceremonies are planned for 2021 graduates at Brainerd and Staples. Because of the ongoing pandemic, these in-person gatherings will be limited to graduates only, no guests. Family members and friends will be invited to watch the premiere event ceremonies on the college website and social media. Graduates who choose not to attend in person will be able to participate virtually.
3) Choose how to participate: In-Person or Virtually
Participate In-Person
1) Find the date/time of your ceremony by checking for your program on the Commencement Ceremony Information.
2) Attend Grad Wrap.
3) Check-in for your event 30-minutes before the live graduates-only ceremony start time. 10 am or Noon.
4) Plan a viewing party for the public premiere of your event. See details under commencement ceremony information.
Viewing options available on the CLC website, YouTube and Facebook. (Nursing grads see dates/times for your events)
Participate Virtually
1) Go to the Virtual Commencement Participation Form: Virtual Participation is now closed.
2) Attend Grad Wrap.
We encourage students to pick up their cap and gown at Grad Wrap. If you prefer to have your cap and gown mailed to you, please indicate your preference on the Virtual Commencement Participation Form. Deadline to participate virtually is April 30, 2021.
3) Plan a viewing party for the premiere of your event:
Staples Commencement
May 12 at 7 pm
Brainerd Career and Technical Commencement
May 13 at 7 pm
Brainerd Liberal Arts & Sciences Commencement
May 14 at 7 pm
Viewing options available on the CLC website, YouTube and Facebook.
Grad Wrap 2021
Brainerd Campus
Tuesday, April 20
(south lobby – outside cafeteria)
11 am to 1 pm
Brainerd Campus
Wednesday, April 21
(south lobby – outside cafeteria)
11 am to 1 pm
Staples Campus
Thursday, April 22
11 am to 1 pm
Your graduation experience will be rewarding. Complete your CLC experience with Grad Wrap — the one-stop-shop to prepare for graduation. Pick up cap and gown, learn about loan exit plans, check graduation status, receive placement survey information, join the Alumni Association, and more!
No sign-up required!
Walk in or curbside.
Commencement Ceremony Information
Staples Campus Commencement – Graduates only, no guests
PN Pinning/Commencement
Graduates only, no guests
Tuesday, May 11 at 1 pm
Practical Nursing Diploma
Staples Commencement
Graduates only, no guests
Wednesday, May 12 at 10 am
Automation Technologies Certificate
CNC Technologies A.A.S. Degree
CNC Technologies Diploma
Culinary Arts Certificate
Diesel Equipment Technician A.A.S. Degree
Diesel Equipment Technician Diploma
Machine Operations Diploma
Machine Technology Certificate
Mechatronics Diploma
Medical Assistant A.A.S. Degree
Medical Assistant Diploma
Phlebotomy Technician Certificate
Production Technologies Certificate
Robotic Human Machine Interface Adv. Certificate
Robotic Manufacturing Certificate
Robotic Offline Programming Advanced Certificate
Robotic Vision Advanced Certificate
Robotic Welding Advanced Certificate
Robotic Welding Certificate
Robotics/Automated Systems Technology A.A.S. Degree
Robotics/Automated Systems Technology Diploma
Staples Commencement
Graduates only, no guests
Wednesday, May 12 at Noon
Advanced Farm Business Management Certificate
Agricultural Commodities Marketing Certificate
Agricultural Science A.S. Degree
Applications in Farm Business Management Certificate
Current Issues in Farm Business Management Certificate
Enology A.A.S. Degree
Enology Diploma
Essentials of Farm Business Management Certificate
Heavy Equipment Operation & Maintenance Diploma
Specialty Crops Management Diploma
Viticulture A.A.S. Degree
Viticulture Diploma
Public viewing for family and friends
Staples Campus
Commencement Ceremony
For family and friends
Premiere Broadcast Presentation
Wednesday, May 12 at 7 pm
Viewing options available on the CLC website, YouTube and Facebook. Premiere commencement events include recorded segments from the in-person graduate only ceremonies, plus graduates who chose to participate virtually.
Practical Nursing
Pinning/Commencement Ceremony
For family and friends
Premiere Broadcast Presentation
Tuesday, May 11 at 7 pm
Brainerd Campus Commencement – Graduates only, no guests
Brainerd Career & Technical Commencement
Graduates only, no guests
Thursday, May 13 at 10 am
Automotive Technology A.A.S. Degree
Automotive Technology Diploma
Computer Information Technology A.A.S. Degree
Computer Information Technology Diploma
Computer Network Administration A.A.S. Degree
Computer Network Administration Diploma
Computer Support Specialist Diploma
Criminal Justice A.A.S. Degree
Criminal Justice Certificate (Advanced)
Dental Assistant Diploma
Dental Assisting A.A.S. Degree
Early Childhood Ed. Transfer Pathway A.S. Degree
Early Childhood Education A.A.S. Degree
Early Childhood Education Diploma
Emergency Medical Response Technician Certificate
Individualized Studies A.A.S. Degree
Individualized Studies Diploma
Law Enforcement Skills Certificate
Microsoft Office Professional Certificate
Natural Resource Law Enforcement A.A.S. Degree
Brainerd Career & Technical Commencement
Graduates only, no guests
Thursday, May 13 at Noon
Accountant A.A.S. Degree
Accountant Diploma
Bookkeeping Certificate
Business Assistant Certificate
Business Management A.A.S. Degree
Entrepreneurship Certificate
Graphic Design A.A.S. Degree
Graphic Design Diploma
Graphic Design Media Technologies Diploma
Healthcare Accounting A.A.S. Degree
Healthcare Administrative Specialist A.A.S. Degree
Healthcare Administration Specialist Certificate
Healthcare Administrative Specialist Diploma
Horticulture A.A.S. Degree
Human Services A.A.S. Degree
Marine and Powersports Diploma
Natural Resources Technology A.A.S. Degree
Occupational Skills Diploma
Sustainable Greenhouse Production Diploma
Sustainable Landscaping Diploma
Sustainable Local Food Certificate
Videography Production A.A.S. Degree
Videography Production Diploma
Welding and Fabrication A.A.S. Degree
Welding and Fabrication Diploma
Wildlife Tourism Certificate
Public viewing for family and friends
Brainerd Career & Technical Commencement Ceremony
For family and friends
Premiere Broadcast Presentation
Thursday, May 13 at 7 pm
Viewing options available on the CLC website, YouTube and Facebook.
Premiere commencement events include recorded segments from the in-person graduate only ceremonies, plus graduates who chose to participate virtually.
Brainerd Campus Commencement – Graduates only, no guests
Brainerd Liberal Arts & Sciences Commencement
Graduates only, no guests
Friday, May 14 at 10 am
A.A. Degree (Transfer)
Brainerd Liberal Arts & Sciences Commencement
Graduates only, no guests
Friday, May 14 at Noon
A.A. Degree (Transfer)
A.A. Degree (Honors Program)
Art Transfer Pathway A.F.A. Degree
Biology Transfer Pathway A.S. Degree
Business Transfer Pathway A.S. Degree
Chemistry Transfer Pathway A.S. Degree
Deaf Studies Certificate
Economics Transfer Pathway A.A. Degree
Environmental Studies Certificate
Exercise Science Transfer Pathway A.S. Degree
Global Studies Certificate
Health Sciences Broad Field A.S. Degree
History Transfer Pathway A.A. Degree
Latin American Studies Certificate
Music A.F.A Degree
Pre-Social Work Transfer Pathway A.S. Degree
Psychology Transfer Pathway A.A. Degree
Sociology Transfer Pathway A.A. Degree
Spanish Transfer Pathway A.A. Degree
Women’s Studies Certificate
RN Pinning/Commencement
Graduates only, no guests
Friday, May 14 at 4 pm
Nursing A.S. Degree (Advanced Standing)
Nursing A.S. Degree (Traditional)
Public viewing for family and friends
Brainerd Campus Liberal Arts Commencement Ceremony
For family and friends
Premiere Broadcast Presentation
Friday, May 14 at 7 pm
Viewing options available on the CLC website, YouTube and Facebook.
Premiere commencement events include recorded segments from the in-person graduate only ceremonies, plus graduates who chose to participate virtually.
Nursing A.S. Degree
Pinning/Commencement Ceremony
For family and friends
Live Stream Broadcast Presentation
Friday, May 14 at 4 pm