7.9.2 Grant Purchasing Standard Operating Procedure
To ensure proper checks and balances, all grant related purchases must go through the following approval processes in addition to adhering to MinnState Board policies and procedures relating to procurement and contracts 5.14, 5.1432 and 5.14.5 as well as Central Lakes College’s policies and procedures. Procurement card policies and procedures must also be followed. See MinnState 7.3.3 and Central Lakes College’s policies.
- Fill out a Purchase Requisition Form for all purchases prior to initiating purchase order.
- Once completed, the purchase requisition needs to be approved by the cost center authority.
- The Cost center authority has final signature prior to initiation of purchase for both purchase order or p-card purchases.
Any purchases that do not follow the SOP for Grant Purchasing will result in a 16A letter.
Date of Implementation/Presidential Approval: 7/1/2013
Date of last review: 9/30/2020