4.12 Employee Alternate Schedule Policy & Procedures
The following procedure has been developed to provide direction and guidelines to Central Lakes College administrators, supervisors, and employees in the use of alternate scheduling for employees.
- Alternate Scheduling is a management tool which allows employees to regularly work a different schedule.
- The ultimate goal of an alternate schedule is to enhance the delivery of services.
- An alternate schedule is usually a long-term work arrangement.
- The use of an alternate schedule provides flexibility to better meet customer needs and business goals.
- Alternate scheduling is a privilege, not an entitlement.
- Alternate schedules are voluntary and may be terminated at any time by Central Lakes College or the employee with or without cause.
- The employee working an alternate schedule must comply with all state laws and policies of Central Lakes College. Failure to comply may result in the loss of privileges and/or disciplinary action.
- Duties, obligations, responsibilities and conditions of employment with Central Lakes College remain unchanged. Eligibility for salary, retirement benefits, and state sponsored insurance coverage remain unchanged.
- Provisions of collective bargaining agreements and personnel plans remain in effect.
- Request for sick and vacation leave will be processed according to the Collective Bargaining Agreement. Vacation leave will be pre-approved in writing by the supervisor. The employee will be responsible for timely notification to the supervisor if sick leave is being requested.
- All alternate schedule arrangements must comply with State and Federal employment laws that apply to all state employees. This includes the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) which regulates the payment of overtime for exempt and non-exempt employees.
- The use of an alternate schedule must not result in additional work for other staff.
- Employees and their supervisors will participate in periodic reviews to evaluate the effectiveness of the alternate schedule.
Supervisors will assess each request on a case-by-case basis. Factors to consider include, but are not limited to the following:
- Needs of the work unit
- Employee’s personal situation
- Need for adequate supervision of employee
- Employee’s current and past job performance
- Effects on customer service
- Positive/negative effects on the work unit or division
- Availability of equipment and appropriate work space
- Anticipated additional costs, if any
- Ability to measure the work performed
- Level of work skills, i.e., time management, organizational skills, self-motivation, and ability to work independently
Seniority will not be a factor in approving or denying employee requests to work an alternate schedule.
- The employee will complete an Alternate Schedule Request Form which will be reviewed by the supervisor.
- The supervisor will then route the request through the appropriate chain of command and recommend approval or denial to the appropriate Vice President or President.
- Approval or denial of the request will be communicated in writing to the employee by the Director of Human Resources. The original signed request and approval must be provided to Human Resources to be placed in the employee’s personnel file.
- A copy of the signed approval must be provided to Payroll.
- The alternate work schedule will depend on the type of work to be performed and the needs of the department/unit as determined by the supervisor.
- Individual schedules for work hours must be approved by the supervisor. Any changes to the schedule must be reviewed and approved by the supervisor in advance.
- Employees are expected to attend all meetings related to the performance of their job. The employee agrees to waive their right of a schedule change notice (based on union affiliation) if the supervisor determines that an emergency meeting is needed. Supervisors will not alter an employee schedule unless necessary and give the employee as much notice as possible.
- An employee is covered by Minnesota Workers’ Compensation laws while in an alternate schedule status. Any injury that occurs within the course and scope of employment must be reported according to state and federal reporting requirements.
Date of Implementation/Presidential Approval: 10/20/2008
Date of last review: 1/27/2021