3.36.2 General Education Policy

3.36.2 General Education Policy

Components of General Education
The Central Lakes College Learning Outcomes define general education and unite the learning experience across all programs and services at CLC. They are as follows: You, as a learner at Central Lakes College, will gain added general and specialized competence in work, community, and family life to:

1) Communicate effectively – understand and communicate effectively with others using a variety of contexts and formats, which include writing, speaking, reading, listening, and interpersonal skills.

2) Solve problems – identify, evaluate, and apply critical thinking and creative problem-solving skills using multiple perspectives and appropriate technologies.

3) Demonstrate personal and social responsibility – develop and demonstrate personal and social responsibility and teamwork skills.

Determination of General Education in Programs
For all Associate degrees, General Education courses, which are part of the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC), are required. The minimum number of general education credits required in each degree is as follows:

  • AA – 40 credits of MnTC general education containing all 10 goals.
  • AS – 30 credits of MnTC general education. Courses will be selected from at least six of the 10 MNTC goals.
  • AAS – A minimum of 15 credits must be general education. Courses will be selected from at least three of the 10 MnTC goals.
  • For Diplomas of substantial length (46 to 72 credits), a minimum of 6 general education credits must be included in the program. General education credits in diploma programs are not required to be a part of the MnTC, but must meet The Higher Learning Commission of NCA general education guidelines, and be a recognized CLC course.
  • For Diplomas of 45 credits or less, and Certificates, the curriculum will infuse an understanding of communications, problem solving, human & cultural diversity, creativity, and teamwork into the program offerings.

Identification of General Education in Programs

The following skills areas can fulfill general education needs in a technical program:

  • Career and Personal Development
  • Computer Literacy
  • Communications
  • Health and Wellness
  • Mathematics
  • Critical Thinking/Problem Solving
  • History and Social Sciences
  • Natural Sciences
  • Humanities and Fine Arts

Recommendations from program faculty and advisory committees will determine the type and distribution of General Education courses. Two options are available for identifying the General Education components in a program:

Option One: Select a set number of credits and/or courses from the CLC Transfer Curriculum that meet specific program needs.

Option Two: Create new General Education courses that are not exclusively related to a student’s technical, vocational, or professional field, but are included in the program because they prepare students to meet personal, social, and lifelong learning needs. New courses must be developed collaboratively with technical program and liberal arts faculty.

Date of implementation/Presidential Approval: 7/1/2016

Date of last review: 11/12/2020

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