1B.1.1a Addendum to MinnState – Central Lakes College Discrimination Policy

1B.1.1a Addendum to MinnState – Central Lakes College Discrimination Policy

Central Lakes College is committed to providing a safe learning environment free from discrimination and harassment. Central Lakes College adheres to the MinnState 1B.1 Policy on Equal Opportunity and Nondiscrimination in Employment and Education.

No person shall be discriminated against in the terms and conditions of employment, personnel practices, or access to and participation in, programs and activities regarding race, sex, color, creed, religion, age, national origin, disability, gender identity and gender expression, sexual orientation, marital status, status regarding public assistance or membership or activity in a local commission as defined by law.

What is illegal discrimination?

  • Differential treatment
  • Because of protected class
  • Results in some adverse action/harm


  1. Unequal application of discipline, performance standards, or rules.
  2. Assigning a person less challenging or responsible duties.
  3. Slurs based on protected class (i.e. racial, disability, gender, sexual preference, etc.)
  4. Unequal access to activities, clubs, academic programs, benefits, etc.

System Procedure 1B.1.1 Report/Complaint of Discrimination/Harassment Investigation and Resolution

What is Sexual Harassment as defined by federal law?

  • Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission)
  • Consists of verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature, imposed based on sex, by and employee or agent of a recipient of federal funds that denies, limits, provides different, or conditions the provision of aid, benefits, services, or treatment protected under Title IX) (Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education)

Illegal harassment is a form of discrimination.

Generally defined:

  1. Unwelcomed conduct
  2. Based on protected class
  3. Submission to conduct made term or condition of an individual’s employment or education; or
  4. Submission to or rejection of conduct is used as a factor in decisions affecting an individual’s academics or employment; or
  5. Conduct has purpose of effect of substantially interfering with and individuals work or academic performance or is sufficiently severe or pervasive that creates a hostile or offensive environment.

Date of implementation/Presidential Approval: 1/2/2014

Date of last review: 2/1/2021

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