Gary Carson, a Natural Resources instructor, and Janet Bedard, an English instructor at Central Lakes College, are among 26 Outstanding Educators to be recognized by the Board of Trustees of Minnesota State College and Universities. Gary started as a student at Brainerd Technical College under Dr. Doug Keran, and his zeal for natural resources took him into the profession at a number of related opportunities before he settled in as an instructor about 30 years ago. Janet is also a veteran instructor who teaches composition and reading. Linda Baer, MnSCU senior vice chancellor for academic and student affairs, stated: “The Outstanding Educator designation by your president reflects the exceptional skill and commitment that you have demonstrated in teaching, your continuous professional development, and your service to students, college, profession, and the system. Thorough dedication to student learning, adherence to the highest academic standards, and continued achievement are also reflected in your being accorded this honor. Your portfolio, reviewed by a systemwide committee in a rigorous two-day process, further confirmed your excellence in teaching.” Gary and Janet were nominated by CLC President Larry Lundblad and will be recognized at the April 21 awards event in St. Paul.