Ashly Erickson of Little Falls pitched back-to-back shutouts and Tika Nichols pitched a five-inning victory to help the Central Lakes College Raiders to three victories at the Itasca preseason tournament Saturday. Ashly pitched complete games in a 5-0 win over Hibbing and an 8-0 five-inning win over Riverland. She also went 7-for-11 with six runs scored in the three games with two doubles. Tika got the win in a 15-7 five-inning win over Mesabi. She finished 4-8 at the plate with three runs and a home run. Brittany Gravelle was 2-8 with four runs, Ashley Rodriguez 5-8 with three runs, Trisha Wippler 4-9 with three runs and two doubles, Alicia Johnson 2-7 with a home run, Lindsay Fryer 5-8 with three runs, Carissa Utsch 2-9 with two runs, Dani Thiesse 2-4 with a run and Heather Zetah 2-3 with two runs. Overall: CLC 7-5. Next: Itasca at CLC April 6 at 3 p.m. (2).