“One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” will be staged in the Dryden Theatre at Central Lakes College Feb. 17-20 and 24-27 at 7:30 p.m. Shane Keran, Brainerd, is the honest anti-hero Randle P. McMurphy. Rebecca Souhrada, Brainerd, portrays the manipulative and vindictive authority figure Nurse Ratched. Bill Musel, Baxter, plays Chief Bromden, the narrator of Ken Kesey’s tale of individual personality against an institution of mindless conformity in the structured society of the late 50’s early 60’s. Other patients in the Oregon Mental Hospital are Kenny Simon, Joe Wall, and Chris Lister, all of Brainerd; Andrew LaSart, Deerwood; and Dustin Beehler, Milaca. Playing the hospital staff are Kevin Yeager, Kent Strunk, and Marc Oliphant, all of Baxter, and Jordon Lister, Nicholas Brutscher, and Scotty Stocco, all of Brainerd. Robyn Silznoff, Crosby, and Stephanie White, Merrifield, are visitors from the streets of Portland. General admission tickets are $8 and free for Central Lakes College students.