As Central Lakes College celebrates its 75th anniversary, officials will be recognizing and honoring 75 distinguished alumni. The CLC Foundation is now seeking CLC alumni nominations specifically for the following years: 1942-46, 1953-56, 1961, 1964, 1967, 1968, 1970, 1976, 1987, 1992, 1999, 2000, 2005, 2007, and 2012.
If you or someone you know attended or graduated from CLC during one of the listed years, please send a completed nomination form to the CLC Foundation Office or email it to foundation@clcmn.edu.
Nominations may be submitted by the nominee or by friends, family, work associates or other colleagues who are familiar with the nominee. All nominations received by February 28, 2014 will be considered by the selection committee.
Nomination forms may be downloaded from the CLC’s alumni website at
The criteria for nominating an individual is based on the individual’s contributions to his or her profession, distinguished service to his or her community, and/or service to Central Lakes College. Self-submissions are encouraged. Individuals eligible to be recognized include graduates of Central Lakes College, Staples Technical College, Brainerd Technical College, Brainerd Junior College, or Brainerd Community College. In 1995, all of these colleges merged to form what is now called Central Lakes College with campuses in Brainerd and Staples.
For questions or further details, contact the CLC Foundation at foundation@clcmn.edu or 218-855-8135.