Like Water: the visiting poet program of Central Lakes College, in
collaboration with The Crossing Arts Alliance, presents former U.S. Poet
Laureate Charles Simic at noon on March 5th in the CLC Chalberg
Theater. This poetry reading is free and open to the public, and will be
followed by a book signing/meet and greet, as well as a workshop at
1:30pm for area writers, artists, and anyone interested in hearing Mr.
Simic speak informally about the necessity of poetry in our lives.
Like Water began in the fall of 2012. So far we have hosted Li-Young
Lee, the Palestinian-American poet Naomi Shihab Nye, and the inaugural
poet Richard Blanco. These events were graciously funded by Five Wings
Regional Arts Council.
Like Water began in the fall of 2012. So far we have hosted Li-Young
Lee, the Palestinian-American poet Naomi Shihab Nye, and the inaugural
poet Richard Blanco. These events were graciously funded by Five Wings
Regional Arts Council.
fall, Verse Like Water earned a Minnesota State Arts Board grant for
$65,000. This obviously provides exciting funding across 2014, and in
addition to Simic VLW will offer central Minnesota first class literary
events featuring Billy Collins (April 29th), Robert Hass (October 29th)
and Tracy K. Smith (November 21st).
fall, Verse Like Water earned a Minnesota State Arts Board grant for
$65,000. This obviously provides exciting funding across 2014, and in
addition to Simic VLW will offer central Minnesota first class literary
events featuring Billy Collins (April 29th), Robert Hass (October 29th)
and Tracy K. Smith (November 21st).