Lakes Area Career Fair
March 24, 2010
Campus News, Events, Uncategorized

The Brainerd campus of Central Lakes College on Wed., March 24 hosted the Lakes Area Career Fair. More than 30 businesses and organizations were represented with personnel taking employment applications from students and the general public. The four-hour event featured four break-out sessions attended by many of the 250 guests and about 160 students and staff. Nationally renowned consultant Luke Seward (left) presented “Coming Up For Air: Coping With Change in College and Career,” a stress management seminar, twice in Chalberg Theatre. He later gave an in-depth version for the paying public. Other free presentatons: Dusty Hauper and Bud McCullouch – “Living Well for Less: Practical Advice for Student and Job Seeker” and tips on finding the right job in “Packing Your Toolkit for Employment” from the Work Force Center staff. The event was co-hosted by the Brainerd Lakes Chamber.