Students enrolled in record numbers this spring at Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, resulting in an increase of 14,338 students, or nearly an 8 percent gain, over a year ago. The MnSCU system has 197,576 students taking credit courses, compared to last spring’s enrollment of 183,238. The latest growth spurt was on top of a record increase last fall when an additional 12,641 students enrolled compared to the year before. Enrollment increases were particularly strong at the two-year colleges. Fourteen colleges had increases of 10 percent or more. Central Lakes College’s headcount increase is the highest in the state at 21.1 percent. Overall, enrollment at the system’s 25 two-year colleges increased this spring by 10.2 percent; the number of students at the seven state universities went up 3 percent. CLC went from 3,812 to 4,616 as of the 30th day of the spring term. Full-year equiavalent went from 3,020 in FY2009 to 3,350 in FY2010, a 10.9 percent gain.