The Learning Commons tutoring program at Central Lakes College successfully recertified its program after a vigorous process through The College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA).
The process involved many hours of compiling data to confirm the validity of the program. This 5-year, Level 1 Program Certification allows the Learning Commons at CLC to hire strong academic student tutors to meet the needs of their peers. It also provides tutors with a certification they can take with them if they choose to transfer to another school when their studies at CLC are completed.
To meet the expectations put forth by CRLA, Central Lakes College hires tutors that are within the top 5 percent of the course in which they will tutor, and a faculty member must recommend them. Finally, the tutor candidate must be interviewed by the Learning Commons coordinator. If the tutor candidate is hired, they must complete 10 hours of training and perform 25-plus hours of tutoring in order to earn their tutor certification.
“The tutoring program at CLC takes great pride in providing high quality tutoring for our students,” Teri Duff, Learning Commons Coordinator at CLC. “The students who utilize our tutors find them very helpful and it shows with the continued increase in the usage each semester. We are committed to trying to have help for all students who seek it out. I think our program continues to grow because of the commitment of the tutors that I hire and the support of the faculty that work with us to make sure that students know where they can get help. It is awesome to see students being so proactive with their education!”