Home / Campus News / CLC’s DelRay Lecy inducted into Minnesota FFA Hall of Fame

CLC’s DelRay Lecy inducted into Minnesota FFA Hall of Fame

Central Lakes College agricultural educator DelRay Lecy was recently inducted into the Minnesota FFA Hall of Fame. 
He was given the honor at the 86th Minnesota FFA Convention Monday, April 27.
Lecy has been involved in agricultural education for more than 35 years. He started at CLC in 1974 teaching farm business management and farm operations and management. He also served as director of the Ag Center for three years and was associate dean of management education programs. After he retired from CLC in 2009, Lecy continued part-time as dean of technical programs at the Staples campus until 2013. He currently works on special projects in farm business management with CLC.
The former Staples resident said being inducted into the Minnesota FFA Hall of Fame is “rather humbling.”
“You do what you can do,” he said. “It’s good to know someone thought what you’ve done for the organization is worth being recognized for. It’s truly appreciated.”
Lecy has also served on the statewide Leadership Council for Management Education.
In recent years, he has worked closely with dairy industry leaders in Minnesota by providing annual reports and presentations concerning the annual financial summaries of dairies owned by producers enrolled in the MN Farm Business Management Education Program. 
He helped lead the 2010 FBM Taskforce, which had representatives of over 20 organizations. Concurrently, he worked closely with the Department of Agriculture leaders, University of Minnesota Center for Farm Financial Management Personnel, and system leaders in the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities office.

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