Grant Director
Marlene Mixa of Grand Rapids has accepted the temporary, full-time post of Director of Strategic Grant Initiatives effective Jan. 2, to be based on the Staples campus of Central Lakes College with oversight of the three-year, $13.1 million federal Regional Advanced Manufacturing Retraining Grant Program that involves CLC and three other higher education institutions. She will work with 30+ faculty and staff, and CFOs on a project that will impact up to 3,900 students and participants. She will oversee a $4.3 million annual budget and the development of intra-agency agreements with partner institutions. Marlene holds a BA in chemistry from Carleton College in Northfield and a PhD in
inorganic chemistry from the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. She comes to CLC with 23 years of experience in manufacturing as an engineer for Blandin Paper and in research and product
development for paper companies in Maryland, Kentucky and Minnesota. Marlene has been involved in academia throughout her career and has served as a college
instructor, a member and chair of various education advisory boards, an academic
team coach and a student recruiter and mentor. She leaves a position as H2P Grant Project Manager at Pine Technical College.
Associate Registrar
Wendy Antolak has been named Associate Registrar at CLC to replace the retired Judy Nelson. Officially known as “Office and Administrative Specialist Principal,” the post is based on the Brainerd campus in Student Affairs. It is a promotion of one of our senior staffers in Records and Registration. Wendy will manage the Degree Audit Reporting System, direct all preliminary andfinal graduation auditrs, and act as the college’s Service Compliance Officer for all varsity athletic programs to determine student athletic eligibility.

inorganic chemistry from the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. She comes to CLC with 23 years of experience in manufacturing as an engineer for Blandin Paper and in research and product
development for paper companies in Maryland, Kentucky and Minnesota. Marlene has been involved in academia throughout her career and has served as a college
instructor, a member and chair of various education advisory boards, an academic
team coach and a student recruiter and mentor. She leaves a position as H2P Grant Project Manager at Pine Technical College.
Associate Registrar
Wendy Antolak has been named Associate Registrar at CLC to replace the retired Judy Nelson. Officially known as “Office and Administrative Specialist Principal,” the post is based on the Brainerd campus in Student Affairs. It is a promotion of one of our senior staffers in Records and Registration. Wendy will manage the Degree Audit Reporting System, direct all preliminary andfinal graduation auditrs, and act as the college’s Service Compliance Officer for all varsity athletic programs to determine student athletic eligibility.