Lifelong Learning hosts “Cosmology and Astronomy” with Dave Kobilka at 7 p.m.
Thursday, June 7 at the Brainerd campus of Central Lakes College. The word “cosmos” originates from
the Greek word “kosmos,” meaning “order,” as in an orderly system. Cosmology, a
sub-discipline of Astronomy, seeks to understand the origin, evolution,
structure, and ultimate fate of the universe. As it goes with all science, for
every question answered, many more new questions arise.
Kobilka teaches Earth Science and
Astronomy at Central Lakes College, with past teaching credentials including
Illinois Central College and Bradley University, both in Peoria, Illinois. He
holds a Bachelor of Science in Geology from Bemidji State University and a
Master of Science in Oceanography from Texas A&M University.
Astronomy at Central Lakes College, with past teaching credentials including
Illinois Central College and Bradley University, both in Peoria, Illinois. He
holds a Bachelor of Science in Geology from Bemidji State University and a
Master of Science in Oceanography from Texas A&M University.
Cost to attend this session is $5
for non-members or free for those with a Center for Lifelong Learning
membership. Pre-registration is required and can be made by calling Bev at 218-855-8118.
for non-members or free for those with a Center for Lifelong Learning
membership. Pre-registration is required and can be made by calling Bev at 218-855-8118.
For information on the Center For
Lifelong Learning, visit www.clcmn.edu/lifelonglearning.
Lifelong Learning, visit www.clcmn.edu/lifelonglearning.