Chicken dancer Talon Billy (Center of the Sky Eagle) of the Nay Ah Shing Tribal School American Indian Dance group provided a sample of his specialty, accompanied by the school’s drum group, at Friday’s Celebration of Nations in the Brainerd campus gym of Central Lakes College. Hundreds of guests negotiated the College Drive construction zone to find a multi-cultural bonanza during the four hours of music, dance, family activities, food, capped by fireworks. Several international students at CLC shared information about their homelands, wearing traditional attire and joining together for a lively sample of dance familiar in the Far East. The Diversity Leadership Council, International Club, and other volunteers worked hard to create the third annual showcase of heritage. If you are interested
in being a part of the 2013 Celebration of Nations, please contact
Tashana Husom, Lori-Beth Larsen, Adam Marcotte, Erich Heppner or Mary Sam.