Students in Communication Art and Design at Central Lakes College recently completed a video project on behalf of the regional Mental Health Advisory Council. The 35-minute video, “Holding the Hope: Our Journey to Recovery,” was made with the help of students as well as staff from the Minnesota Mental Health Consumer Survivor Network,
www.mhcsn.org. For the video, nine people stepped forward to talk about their mental illness and recovery at the request of the regional council that serves the counties of Aitkin, Cass, Crow Wing, Morrison, Todd, and Wadena. The council includes those who have a psychiatric diagnosis, family members, and providers of mental health services. On behalf of the CLC students, Leon Dahlvang, instructor, accepted a plaque of appreciation from Barbara Rekowski, council vice chair. The video is available for viewing. Contact Jode Freyholtz-London,
jode.freyholtz@mhcsn.org or (218) 639-2010.