Starting with the 2010-11 school year Central Lakes College nursing students will assist Brainerd School District nurses with student health screenings and other efforts promoting quality of life as part of a Memorandum of Understanding. The MOU, signed June 2 by CLC President Larry Lundblad and ISD 181 Superintendent Steve Razidlo, authorizes both practical and registered nursing students at CLC to assist with screenings administered for hundreds of youngsters by two public health nurses serving the district. The agreement also provides mutually beneficial opportunities for service learning that has become a cornerstone of the educational mission at CLC. “It is now a requirement for all Central Lakes College nursing students,” said Connie Frisch, CLC director of nursing. Officials anticipate many doors to be opened by this MOU. Look for similar engagement among students in other programs at the college. The MOU drives a rewarding initiative that doesn’t cost money and contributes to community betterment. “Now we have integrated planning through administration and faculty to make a huge difference in these challenging times,” said Rebecca Best, a dean in charge of service learning at CLC.

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