Dustin Voss of Onamia, RN and a 2009 honors graduate of the Central Lakes College Nursing program, recently contacted Connie Frisch, director of nursing programs at CLC, with a report on the effort to help the people of Haiti. “We need to help these people in desperate need,” he said. He and a colleague cared for surgical patients following limb amputations and the re-setting if compound fractures. “We provided care in a make-shift hospital that was originally a church but now has the floors lined with foam mattresses. There were 40-60 patients who ranged in age from 3 to 50. “We primarily did wound care, unfortunately without the use of narcotic pain medications. This was heart-wrenching to say the least, and I am still attempting to process the work which we were involved in. “I just wanted to write a brief ‘thank you’ to you and the CLC nursing faculty for providing the education and skills which enabled me to serve in this capacity. “Let your students know that their education is preparing them with skills which enable them to put their hands on displaced, desperate patients around the world.”