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Building futures

Central Lakes College hosted the Business Council of the Brainerd Lakes Chamber of Comerce Tuesday, Jan. 26 for a morning review of progress at the community and technical college in Brainerd and Staples. President Dr. Larry Lundblad welcomed the council and provided a vision for the future. Jeff Wig, dean of enrollment and student services, shared graphs and data outlining growth at CLC. Enrollment has increased 43 percent in three years, with a headcount of 5,936 students taking at least one class this year. A significant number of new students are in their late 20s, and more are non-traditional age from the unemployed ranks. Criminal Justice student Joe Klemmetsen, 29, of Duluth described his experience as a dislocated worker on a new career path since his February 2009 lay-off from Kuepers Construction. Joe has a bachelor’s degree in construction management. He has found the Central Lakes College enrollment process to be a straight-forward series of accommodations followed by quality instruction to enable him to transition toward a viable profession.

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