Open house
January 8, 2010
Campus News, Events, Uncategorized

The Central Lakes College Dental Assisting and Nursing programs will host an open house Wed., Jan. 20 from 4 to 6:30 p.m. to showcase new facilities on the Brainerd campus. A short program is planned for 5:30 p.m. in the open house area, which is located on the second floor of the west wing. Two recent remodeling projects created new space for a community dental clinic and new classroom and lab areas. The improvements feature new dental diagnostic and patient management software to enhance the dental assisting skills of CLC students. The Department of Human Services operates a community clinic co-located with the college Dental Assisting program. Nursing program space was improved with the addition of a fourth training lab. The campus now has 16 bed stations for Nursing Assistant, Practical Nursing, and Associate Degree students. New simulation tools replicating patient medical situations are among the latest improvements.