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Mahnomen City Administrator to speak on bridging cultural differences

Central Lakes College is hosting a free Cultural Thursday webinar with Mahnomen City Administrator Dr. Mitchell Berg on Thursday, May 6 at noon.

Dr. Berg will speak on his experience both as an adoptee from Korea and on his experience as serving as city administrator of Mahnomen on the White Earth Indian Reservation in northwestern Minnesota.

He will share some personal vignettes on what it has been like to have been born in Korea, adopted into a family in Minnesota, and experienced all that that cross-cultural experience entails. He will also speak on his work in helping bridge understanding between cultures as a city administrator on the White Earth Indian Reservation.

Berg is focused on innovating the public administration profession and recently received his doctorate in public administration. The need to help tribes and municipalities form better relationships inspired Berg to pursue this line of work in his roles as city administrator, instructor, mentor, and specialist in the field of community development, DEI, and tribal intergovernmental relations.

All are welcome to join the webinar. Please pre-register: https://tinyurl.com/f3ppsape. For questions about this event or the Cultural Thursdays Program, please contact Tracey Kloeckl-Jiménez 218-855-8183.



About Jessie Perrine

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