Central Lakes College is excited to announce the addition of the Human Services A.A.S. Degree to its vast array of programs.
“The Human Services A.A.S. Degree is a two-year program that provides students with the opportunity to learn the theories and skills necessary to serve in the helping field in a competent, connected and compassionate way,” said Jennifer Perez Krueger, CLC instructor. “It prepares graduates to work in a wide array of settings, such as mental health and social service agencies, elementary and secondary schools, day care centers, community organizations and geriatric services. If you have a passion for helping others this program is for you!”
According to the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development, employment of social and human service assistants is projected to grow 17 percent from 2019 to 2029, much faster than the average for all occupations. A growing elderly population and rising demand for social services are expected to drive demand for these workers as well.
“We knew it was time to step in and create the Human Services A.A.S. Degree for the region,” said Rebekah Kent, Dean of Brainerd Career & Technical Programs and Customized Training. “We had the data showing us the need, but more importantly, we had local industry professionals asking us to develop the program to help employers find qualified graduates to fill needed jobs.”
The Human Services AAS Degree will impact the region by providing a highly skilled workforce to support the health, growth and development of individuals within the region. These positions are critical to support individuals and families in maintaining and regaining health and developing new opportunities for individual and family advancement.
Central Lakes College also recently launched the Pre-Social Work Transfer Pathway A.S. Degree. With this degree, students can take their first two years of the major at CLC, saving time and money, and then transfer to any Minnesota State university with junior status.
Students can apply now for the Human Services A.A.S. Degree. Classes start this fall. More information: www.clcmn.edu/human-services/