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Virtual commencement

Dear students,
There have been stories in the news regarding colleges and universities canceling their commencement events. At Central Lakes College, we feel more than ever that celebrating the accomplishments of our students, faculty and staff is of paramount importance.
We will be assembling a team of student, staff and faculty members (in a virtual environment, of course) to work together and design a plan in which we can safely and meaningfully hold commencement events later this spring. Our scheduled commencement ceremonies are less than two months away. None of us knows exactly what the future holds, but at this point, it would seem difficult to plan on having events in large group settings. Just as we will be offering classes and services using alternative methods of delivery, we will work on doing the same in planning commencement. The commencement events may look very different. But, we hope that as a team working together, we capture the spirit of success and reward the hard-earned accomplishments of our college community.
We will keep everyone posted as we determine how as a college we will move ahead with the commencement events for the class of 2020. We ask for your patience during these unprecedented times.

Dr. Hara Charlier

Central Lakes College President

About Jessie Perrine

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