We are here to support you. We realize that there has been a lot of change and worry over the current COVID-19 situation. It might feel chaotic and stressful, but know that our faculty and staff are working hard to ensure you have excellent learning opportunities when classes resume in alternate formats on March 30.
During these two extra weeks of Spring Break, your instructors and deans are working on those alternate delivery modes in all of our academic programs and degrees. Classes may not be delivered in the same fashion when we return, but they will still be held to CLC’s high academic rigor standards.
A few other important notes:
• Our campus hours have temporarily changed. Buildings are open from 7 am-5 pm, with service hours running from 8 am-4:30 pm. We are here to serve you. I encourage you to reach out to us through phone or video chat.
• Registration for summer and fall courses is on now. I encourage you to register now before classes fill up. You can easily schedule a meeting with an advisor at www.clcmn.edu/advising-2/.
• Please continue to check your CLC email for updates. You can also find these updates and so much more on CLC’s social media pages. We are here for you!
• Finally, visit www.clcmn.edu/covid-19/ for all up-to-date information on our response to COVID-19. Have any questions or concerns? Please reach out to us at covid19@clcmn.edu
Take care of yourself, and let us know how we can help! We are in this together.