Home / Campus News / In honor of 80th anniversary, CLC seeking outstanding alumni

In honor of 80th anniversary, CLC seeking outstanding alumni

In celebration of its 80th anniversary, Central Lakes College will add five alumni to its previously established 75 Outstanding Alumni (who were chosen to celebrate the college’s 75th anniversary.) Honorees from Central Lakes College and its successor colleges (Brainerd Junior College, Brainerd Community College, Brainerd Technical College and Staples Technical College) are an inspiration to the next generation of graduates and to the community at large.

We are looking for Outstanding Alumni honorees who have distinguished themselves by:

  • contributions made in his/her particular field of work,
  • professional & personal accomplishments, or
  • acts for the betterment of humanity.

You are invited to nominate a candidate as a Central Lakes College Outstanding Alumni. Self-submissions are also welcome. All nominations are due by Friday, June 8, 2018. Please visit our website at www.clcmn.edu/outstandingalumni to complete your nomination (you can also view a listing of our current 75 Outstanding Alumni honorees). Questions? Contact Amy at 218-855-8135 or email amatter@clcmn.edu.


About Jessie Perrine

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