American poet Matt Rasmussen will present at Central Lakes College’s Verse Like Water event March 28.
Verse Like Water, the visiting poet program at CLC, has a rich history of bringing renowned poets to the campus.
“Verse Like Water strives to open human hearts to the necessity of poetry in our lives, and we strive to host first class literary events for everyone in the Brainerd lakes area and beyond,” said Jeff Johnson, CLC English instructor and proprietor of Verse Like Water. “Across the last four years, the surprise has been that we have brought internationally famous poets like Billy Collins, Robert Hass, Marie Howe, Terrance Hayes, and others; with Matt Rasmussen, the astonishing fact is that great poetry is being written by Minnesotans. The future of American verse is in the hands of young poets like Matt!”
Rasmussen’s debut book “Black Aperture” earned the Walt Whitman Prize from the American Academy of Poets, and was a runner up for the National Book Award. Verse Like Water is excited to host its first Minnesota-born poet.
Rasmussen will hold a reading at noon March 28 in the Hassler Library, Brainerd campus. That will be followed by a book signing and craft talk at 1:30 p.m.
This literary event is free and open to the public, and is sponsored by the CLC English department and Minnesota Public Radio.
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