Central Lakes College will host a cattle producers workshop on Feb. 11 at the CLC Staples campus, 1830 Airport Road. The workshop is presented by the Crow Wing River Basin Forge Council.
This daylong workshop with keynote speaker Dr. Kris Ringwall, NDSU Extension, Dickinson, ND will be an in-depth seminar covering cattle management and findings from research done at the Dickinson Research station. The topics covered will include: sire selection, cow size and efficiencies, how to make better use of EPDs, what season is best for your operation to be calving out cows, and an overview of the Dickinson Research Station and the ongoing research they are conducting.
The day includes lunch, vendors and networking.
The cost of the workshop is $25. Register online at: sfa-mn.org/forage-council.
For more information, contact foragecouncil@sfa-mn.org.
Students: There are scholarships available to attend this workshop. Contact: Charles Horsager at chorsager@unitybanking.com or Kent Solberg at kent@sfa-mn.org.